1)引入 CSS 依赖 (Importing CSS) 我很喜欢 CSS in JavaScript 这一理念。在 React 中,我们可以为每一个 React 组件引入相应的 CSS 文件,这一“梦想”成为了现实。在下面的代码示例,我把 CSS 文件的引入与其他依赖隔行分开,以示区别: importReact, {Component}from'react'import{observer}from'mobx-react'imp...
if (!testElement.classList.contains("c2")) { var createMethod = function(method) { var original = DOMTokenList.prototype[method]; DOMTokenList.prototype[method] = function(token) { var i, len = arguments.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { token = arguments[i]; original.call(...
使用jQuery可以给元素很方便的添加class和删除class等操作,现在原生的JavaScript也可以实现这个方法了。使用classList可以方便的添加class、删除class、查询class等。 语法: let elementClass = element.classList; elementClasses 是一个 DOMTokenList 表示 element 的类属性 。如果类属性未设置或为空,那么 element...
This will give us each class name in an array From here, we can loop through the class names usingforEach(or any array method for that matter): classNames.forEach(name => { console.log(name) }) Additionally, these class names can be accessed using.classList: ...
This method replaces a class name with a new one. const el = document.querySelector('.example'); el.classList.replace('foo', 'new-foo'); 复制 Browser compatibility The classList property is supported in all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer ...
method:'POST', body: melonForm, headers:newHeaders() });//fetchfetch(formRequest) .then(function(formResponse) {returnformResponse.json(); }) .then(function(data) {//handle server responsesif( ! data.success) {//handle error messages//handle error message for firstNameconsole.log(data);...
item():The item() method is used for displaying the name of the classes at the particular index. Thus, it returns the class name. These are some of the methods which are used in the JavaScript classList. We will discuss one by one. ...
To solve the "Cannot read property 'classList' of null" error, make sure the id you're using to get the DOM element is valid and exists in the DOM.