or to change physiological function. Reports have shown that about 10% of hospitalizations are due to ADRs. Reporting ADRs has become an essential part of the monitoring and evaluation activities carried out in hospitals. Still, some harmful effects are not reported bydrug manufacturersand are unkno...
1e) are FDA-approved drugs/drug candidates with antineoplastic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective activities have shown covalent binding to the catalytic Cys145 and subsequent inhibition of SARS COV Mpro. Human neutrophil elastase (hNE) Is a serine protease that is released by ...
The analysis identified five major human pathways, namely carbohydrates, lipids, nucleotide, amino-acid, and co-factor and vitamin pathways, in which 8 driven chemical reactions are controlled by drivers that send more than one outgoing signal (see Table 1). We then performed a gene ontology ...