When one of the chemicals in ytterbite was later found to be the previously unidentified element, yttrium, the element was then named after the mineral. Elven gymyk yw ytriom, niver 39 y'n Vosen Beriodek. Y furvell yw Y. An hanow a dheu dhyworth tre Ytterby yn Sweden. Ytriom ...
To incorporate genomics data into environmental assessments a mechanistic perspective of interactions between chemicals and induced biological processes needs to be developed. Since chemical compounds with structural similarity often induce comparable biological responses in exposed animals, gene expression signatur...
the set of honeydew-honey samples, exhibiting 100% sensitivity, specificity, and classification ratio values. The proposed fingerprints also demonstrated that they were good honey chemical descriptors to deal with climatic and geographical issues. Characteristic polyphenols of each botanical variety were ...
To mitigate the impact of small sample size on our performance metrics, we created 20 different training-validation-test partitions, the creation process of which is detailed in Section 2.5. We then trained each of the combinations of four networks and four sets of initial weights with these par...