An Attempt to Classify the Morphologies Presented by Dif- ferent Rust Phases Formed during the Exposure of Carbon Steel to Marine Atmospheres[J]. Material Characteriza- tion, 2016, 118: 65-78.ALCNTARA J; CHICO B; SIMANCAS J;.An Attempt to Classify the Morphologies Presented by Dif- ferent...
The scientific literature contains very little knowledge on the morphology of the different rust phases formed upon exposure of carbon steel to the atmosphere. In recent years this topic has attracted the attention of many researchers working on atmospheric corrosion, but the various morphologies seen ...
In order to contribute on that matter, the aims of this work were: (i) to assess the environmental impact of binders used and highlight the potential of glass powder (GP) valorization in the reduction in cement’s carbon footprint; (ii) to investigate the effect of GP on the hydration ...