The input for each model is a 3-dimensional tensor, consisting of cropped images of K proteins centered on the cell to be classified, a binary mask for the cell to classify (1’s inside the cell and 0’s outside the cell), and a similar binary mask for all the other cells in the...
44 Chapter 3 Multivariate analysis in high dimensional data set ……48 3.1 Introduction ………48 3.2 Prediction of yield in TNG67 (Oryza Sativa L.) using canopy reflectance after the different pre-processing methods …53 3.2.1 Plant materials ………53 3.2.2 Spectral measurements ………53 3.2...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract The distinction between high-grade glioma (HGG) and low-grade glioma (LGG) is generally performed with two-dimensional (2D) image analyses that constitute semi-automated tumor classification. However, a fully automated computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) can only ...
Figure 2. Normalization process using Landmarks. LBP and HOG features were extracted. For LBP, the image is transformed and divided into 20 × 20 sectors, for each sector the histogram is calculated and concatenated to form a 4096-dimensional feature vector (16 sectors × 256 values of the...
A fuzzy set can be considered a point in a specific n-dimensional functional space. The distance between two fuzzy sets, fuzzily, quantifies the distance between these points in that space. Since a generic fuzzified EC map represents a fuzzy set, a distance between two EC maps represents ...
(2) although the class_label result requires an additional step to match the resulting label with the correct calibration class: ethanol or acetone. k-NN(PCA). The second classification method assessed in this paper is the application of the k-nearest neighbors to a dimensional reduction perfor...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract This study introduces UWF-ZeekDataFall22, a newly created dataset labeled using the MITRE ATT&CK framework. Although the focus of this research is on classifying the never-before classified resource development tactic, the reconnaissance and discovery tactics were...
Recently, deep learning-based models have shown promise in surgical skill assessment. Fawaz et al. design a one-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based on kinematic data to assess skill levels on the suturing and needle-passing tasks of the JIGSAWS dataset [26]. Nguyen et al. empl...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Various care processes have been affected by COVID-19. One of the most dramatic has been the care of chronic patients under medical supervision. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a chronic patient has one or more long-term illnesses, and ...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Simple Summary Wing venation traits are used to identify honey bee subspecies. While several wing-based tools are available, they suffer from weaknesses that were addressed by the recently developed software DeepWings©. This software allows fully automated identification ...