This model not only uses the Self-Attention mechanism to learn the feature expression of the text but also incorporates the POS-Attention, which uses to capture sentimental information contained in part-of-speech. In addition, our innovative introduction of the Focal Loss effectively alleviates th...
1) classification system of part of speech 词语分类体系 1. This article concluded a classification system of part of speech of Mongolian language and its tag set,and then described the characteristics of 15 part of speech of the classification system from morphological variety,the function of sen...
This work addresses the problem of classifying the genre of text, which is useful for a variety of language processing problems. We propose statistics of POS histograms as classification features, coupled with a quadratic discriminant classifier. In experiments on six different text and speech genres...
Python... ... Choosing The Right Features 选择正确的特征Document Classification文本分类Part-of-Speech Tagging 词性标 …|基于21个网页 3. 文档分类 文档分类(document classification)是指基于文档的内容执行某种动作。此动作可以是赋予文档一个分类 ID(category ID), … ...
这种任务在多种应用场景中都非常有用,例如命名实体识别(Named Entity Recognition, NER)、词性标注(Part-of-Speech Tagging, POS)和情感分析等。 在token classification任务中,模型会接收一段文本作为输入,并为文本中的每个token预测一个或多个标签。这些标签可以是类别标签,如人名、地点、组织名等,也可以是词性标签...
In this paper, a convolutional neural network model with part-of-speech tagging and word double embedding is proposed to deal with text multi-classification problem. The chunk max pooling is added in the sampling layer for down sampling to enhance the ability of feature extraction. And in the ...
POS/adjectives/position: 加入它们效果都没提升(原因不明)。POS是Part of Speech词(例如:名词动词这些,可用Oliver Mason's Qtag标注软件进行标注),考虑到形容词对情感分类重要性,作者才加的。此外,由于用户评论电影可能是按照一定顺序,比如总体情感表达->剧情描述->观点总结,所以才加上位置。
Qin S, Song J, Zhang P, Tan Y (2016) Feature selection for text classification based on part of speech filter and synonym merge. In: Proceedings of the international conference on fuzzy systems and knowledge discovery, Rajamohana SP, Umamaheswari K,...
Part of universal dependencies treebank Contains parts of speech and morphologcal features for 90 languages Standardized "Universal POS" and "Universal Morphology" tag sets make things consistent Several pre-trained models on these datasets: ...
Tian, J., Zhu, D., Long, H.: Chinese short text multi-classification based on word and part-of-speech tagging embedding. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1–6 (2018) ...