Computer Games: Text, Narrative and Play Page 4. Computer Games Text, Narrative and Play Diane Carr, David Buckingham, Andrew Burnand Gareth Schott polity Page 5. An early version of chapter 5 was published as 'Play Dead: Genreand Affect in Silent Hill and Planescape Torment' ... A Burn...
A growing body of scholarship investigates the role of misinformation in shaping the debate on climate change. Our research builds on and extends this literature by (1) developing and validating a comprehensive taxonomy of climate contrarianism, (2) cond
The rapid proliferation of the Internet has necessitated the use of computer hardware and software systems that can provide security to the computer network of an organization. Firewalls and proxies constitute an important part of such network security systems. In this paper, we seek to design a ...
One of them is related to text mining, especially text classification. To perform this task we usually need a large set of labeled data that can be expensive, time-consuming, or difficult to be obtained. Considering this scenario semi-supervised learning (SSL), the branch of machine learning ...
This systematic review concludes that the use of EDA for the detection of arousal is widely spread, with particularly good results in classification with the ML methods found. Keywords: electrodermal activity; arousal; machine learning; systematic review...
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung 402202, Taiwan * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Technologies 2023, 11(5), 147; Submission received: 7 April 2023 / Revised: 7 October 2023 / ...
it's a zip file about 1.8G, contains 3 million training data. although after unzip it's quite big, but with the help of hdf5, it only need a normal size of memory of computer(e.g.8 G or less) during training. we use jupyter notebook:pre-processing.ipynbto pre-process data. you...
Proceedings of 2008 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology The following topics are dealt with: database and data mining; Internet and web applications; high performance computing; networking and mobile computing; ... BE Ieee - IEEE International Conference on Computer...
On the one hand, quantum hardware is making considerable advances. Small quantum computers capable of running representative algorithms were first made available in research laboratories, utilizing both trapped ion1,2 and superconducting qubits3,4. Performance comparisons among different quantum computer har...
A curated list of classification and regression tree research papers with implementations from the following conferences: Machine learning NeurIPS ICML ICLR Computer vision CVPR ICCV ECCV Natural language processing ACL NAACL EMNLP Data KDD CIKM ICDM SDM PAKDD PKDD/ECML SIGIR WWW WSDM Artificial ...