MSCI.COM | PAGE 54 OF 62 GLOBAL INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION STANDARD (GICS®) METHODOLOGY FEBRUARY 2025 12 Germany 13 Ghana 14 Greece 15 Hong Kong 16 Hungary 17 India 18 Indonesia 19 Ireland 20 Israel 21 Italy 22 Japan 23 Kenya 24 Korea 25 Kuwait 26 Lithuania 27 Luxembourg 28 Malaysia 29 ...
Green Water Credits – exploring its potential to enhance ecosystem services by reducing soil erosion in the Upper Tana basin, Kenya Food production, water availability and energy production are important ecosystem services of the Upper Tana basin (Kenya) and they decline due to upstream... S Kauf...
Most urban areas present unpaved roads and scattered horizontal buildings aligned with the main paved roads [31]. Table 2. Description of the land-use and land-cover classes considered in this research and the number of samples collected for classification. The quality and quantity of training ...
Intimate partner violence: A key correlate of women’s physical and mental health in informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya. PLoS ONE 2020, 15, e0230894. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Loggia, C.; Govender, V. A hybrid methodology to map informal settlements in Durban, South Africa. Proc....
Accurate land use and land cover (LULC) mapping is essential for scientific and decision-making purposes. The objective of this paper was to map LULC classes in the northern region of Mozambique between 2011 and 2020 based on Landsat time series processed by the Random Forest classifier in the...
Global Chemicals Outlook, towards Sound Management of Chemicals; United Nations Environment Programme: Nairobi, Kenya, 2013. [Google Scholar] UN GHSSC GHS Implementation, Secretariat of the Sub-Committee of Experts of the GHS (GHSSC). Available online:
in GeointelligenceAdvances in Remote Sensing and Geophysical Methods to the Earth’s Surface and Shallow Subsurface CharacterizationAdvances in Remote Sensing Applications for the Detection of Biological InvasionsAdvances in Remote Sensing for Archaeological HeritageAdvances in Remote Sensing in Coastal ...