Long-span space structures have found wide application and rapid development in China. New types of space structures are constantly emerging, so that the traditional method of classification for space structures seems not convenient and suitable to cover all space structures. This paper presents a ...
In both chemical synthesis in the lab and biosynthesis in organisms, the methods and pathways involved are entirely based on related structures, and this is why so many research agendas and publications in chemistry involve classes of chemicals, examples of which are: Synthesis of (pyrazolo)...
In both chemical synthesis in the lab and biosynthesis in organisms, the methods and pathways involved are entirely based on related structures, and this is why so many research agendas and publications in chemistry involve classes of chemicals, examples of which are: Synthesis of (pyrazolo)...
Surface excavation works in tropically weathered rock are often reported to be challenging due to too many uncertainties such as rock mass and rock properties, environment, selection of the best excavation method, machine characteristics, cost and production rate. The purpose of this study is to pre...
The vine pair-copula construction can be used to fit flexible non-Gaussian multivariate distributions to a mix of continuous and discrete variables. With m
Leaves with prominent stipuliform structures. Staminate flowers with a pistillode, stamens united into an annular mass encircling and attached to the pistillode, anthers two-thecous. Ovaries one to two locular, stigmas unlobed and smooth. Fruits with smooth walls. Inflorescences axillary or term...
During indirect fertilization, the male will deposit sperm into the cuticle of the female as the female molts. When the female sheds the cuticle, the eggs are already fertilized and develop over time. During molting, the female sheds the cuticle as well as some of the other structures such ...
Explore the phylum Platyhelminthes. Learn the definition of Platyhelminthes (flatworms) and see their different features. Understand...
In this work, we provide a classification of all Lie algebras generated by the terms of 2-local spin chain Hamiltonians, or so-called dynamical Lie algebras, on 1-dimensional linear and circular lattice structures. We find 17 unique dynamical Lie algebras. Our classification includes some well-...
Supervised machine learning algorithms generate knowledge structures that help classify untrained instances into pre-defined classes [36]. In supervised learning, there are two main phases: training and testing. The training phase is the process of building aclassification model. This is conducted by ...