第二章火成岩的基本特征与分类(classificationofigneousrocks)四、火成岩的分类命名 学习目的:学会如何在手标本上和通过薄片观察 来确定岩石名称,掌握各大岩类的基本特征。..1 (一)火成岩分类命名的主要依据 1、地质产状、岩石的结构和构造 深成岩浅成岩喷出岩 2、矿物成分 超基性岩:色率>90基性岩:色率=40...
(classificationofigneousrocks) 学习目的:学会如何在手标本上和通过薄片观察 来确定岩石名称,掌握各大岩类的基 本特征。 四、火成岩的分类命名 .2 (一)火成岩分类命名的主要依据 1、地质产状、岩石的结构和构造 深成岩 浅成岩 喷出岩 2、矿物成分 超基性岩:色率>90 ...
Classification of igneous rocks from petrographic thin section images using convolutional neural networkRock classificationPetrographic thin sectionDeep transfer learningConvolutional neural networkGradient-weighted class activation mappingRock classification from petrographic thin section analysis often requires expertise...
第二章火成岩基本征与分类(classificationofigneous.ppt,第二章 火成岩的基本特征与分类 ( classification of igneous rocks) 火成岩大类名称对比 (三) 深成岩的分类命名 是以实际矿物含量为基础的QAPF双三角形图解来表示的。 (五)三角图解岩石定名的方法 总结1. 火成
1、第二章第二章 火成岩的基本特征与分类火成岩的基本特征与分类(classification of igneous rocks)学习目的:学习目的:学会如何在手标本上和通过薄片观察学会如何在手标本上和通过薄片观察 来确定岩石名称,掌握各大岩类的基来确定岩石名称,掌握各大岩类的基 本特征。本特征。四、火成岩的分类命名四、火成岩的分...
内容提示: Chapter 2Chapter 2Classification of Igneous RocksClassification of Igneous Rocks术语的统一是进行科学交流的必要前提Le Maitre, R. W., 1989. A classification of igneous rocks and a glossary of terms. Blackwell.Le Maitre, R. W., 1991. 火成岩分类及术语辞典(王碧香、沈昆、 毕立君译) 。
Classification and origin of the igneous rocks Present day igneous petrology requires three systems of rock classification: (1) a quantitative mineralogical and/or chemical system that is suitable for systematic petrography, (2) a genetic system that is designed for use in petrogenet... EAK ...
Distinguishing different kinds of igneous rocks is difficult because of their subtle differences. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is sensitive to rock surface morphology, which can help a lot in classification. Dual-pol SAR data have the advantages of low
Decades of field and microscope studies, and more recent quantitative geochemical analyses have resulted in a vast, and sometimes overwhelming, array of nomenclature and terminology associated with igneous rocks. This book presents a complete classification of igneous rocks based on all the recommendation...
Decades of field and microscope studies, and more recent quantitative geochemical analyses have resulted in a vast, and sometimes overwhelming, array of nomenclature and terminology associated with igneous rocks. This book presents a complete classification of igneous rocks based on all the recommendation...