American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association recently updated their guidelines for hypertension, and lowered the threshold of normal blood pressure (BP). However, the validity of the updated guidelines remains controversial. We investigated the relation between the revised BP classification and...
The administration of thiocyanate is most likely to be efficacious in the treatment of hypertension if the minute vessel pressure is normal and the capillary count and minute vessel pressure react normally to histamine. Any variation from the normal response to the various tests which we employed ma...
Potentially inappropriate medications, excessive use of psychotropic, anticholinergic and serotonergic load, drug-drug interactions1• Older people (1)• DART (1)• 12 months (1) Blood pressure (systolic and diastolic)2• People with hypertension (2)• Calibrated sphygmomanometer and stethoscope...
Another example of this classification scheme would be acardiovasculardrug, a drug that affects the system of the heart and blood vessels. Some cardiovascular drugs act on the heart to slow it down, while others may cause the blood vessels to dilate (expand), and thus the blood pressure to ...
Vital sign measurements investigators were recording the diastolic and systolic blood pressure of the subjects (in mmHg) as well as their heart rate (beats per minute) and respiratory rate (breaths per minute.) Medical history related to COPD participants were asked to provide the following pieces...
Ethnic Differences in Blood Pressure Control Among Men at Veterans Affairs Clinics and Other Health Care Sites Veterans Affairs (VA) system, which provides access to health care and medications across ethnic and economic boundaries, may reduce disparities in BP ... SU Rehman,FN Hutchinson,K Hendrix...
FORTA is the first positive/negative listing approach labelling medications used to treat chronic illnesses in older patients from A (indispensable), B (beneficial), C (questionable) to D (avoid). The primary end point was the FORTA score: sum of medication errors classified ...
To the Editor:—The accuracy of lung cancer mortality data challenged in The Journal (198:1374, 1966; 199:674, 1967) may be considerably improved by the
For this reason, Black patients and Puerto Rican Hispanic patients are more likely than White patients to be overmedicated with neuroleptic medications, and their depressive symptoms are more likely to be untreated. The most widely replicated finding for gender bias involves the differential diagnosis ...
One embodiment relates to a medical device including a sensor to provide signals indicative of a detected posture state of a patient. A memory stores one or more defined vectors, ea