antibioticsdosesdialysispenicillinscephalosporinsClassification of clinically important anaerobesProperties common to obligate anaerobesSpectrum of disease due to anaerobesToxin-associated anaerobic infectionsLocal purulent infections involving mixed bacteriaInvasive, specific pathogenassociated anaerobic infectionsGas ...
There is a paucity of data on the availability of AMS programmes in southern Nigeria. Further, there is no data on Nigerian healthcare professionals’ knowledge of the WHO ‘Access, Watch and Reserve’ (AWaRe) classification of antibiotics. This study sought to assess knowledge of AMS and the...
There is a paucity of data on the availability of AMS programmes in southern Nigeria. Further, there is no data on Nigerian healthcare professionals’ knowledge of the WHO ‘Access, Watch and Reserve’ (AWaRe) classification of antibiotics. This study sought to assess knowledge of AMS and the...
Genome analysis predicted 30% of S. pneumoniae isolates to have complete or interme- diate penicillin resistance. AMR predictions for S. pneumoniae isolates had strong agreement with clinical susceptibility testing results for beta-lactam and non beta-lactam antibiotics, with a ...
In addition, it reduces the indiscriminate and unnecessary use of antibiotics and indirectly combats the problem of antimicrobial resistance. This study evaluated different deep learning based prediction models for differentiation of consolidations and atelectasis in chest radiographs of patients belonging to...
The additives used in artificial tears serve as (1) buffers, (2) preservatives, (3) nutrients, (4) antiseptics and antibiotics, (5) hypersecretors, (6) mucolytics and mucosecretors, (7) anti-inflammatories and immunosuppressors, and (8) adrenergic vasoconstrictors and astringents....
In patients with associated B burgdorferi infection, systemic antibiotics should be tried first.146 For patients presenting with multifocal skin lesions, chlorambucil or intralesional or subcutaneous administration of interferon alpha may produce complete responses in approximately 50% of patients.146 Very ...
cereus ATCC 14579, at least 10 and up to 13 of the 14 C-terminal residues undergo PTM to generate a set of eight related antibiotics. The thiocillin gene cluster contains four identical copies of a gene encoding a 52-residue precursor peptide (tclE-H), which is thought to be post...
(2002) Is severity of necrotizing pancreatitis increased in extended necrosis and infected necrosis? Pancreas 25(3):229–233 Article PubMed Google Scholar Bai Y, et al. (2008) Prophylactic antibiotics cannot reduce infected pancreatic necrosis and mortality in acute necrotizing pancreatitis: evidence...
drugs and prefractionated extracts from type strains of micro-organisms known to produce specific antibiotics and have shown that these profiles are diagnostic for the presence of specific compound classes and that we can predict the presence of these compounds directly from natural product prefractions...