Classification of ankle fractures: the Lauge-Hansen or AO system. Clin Orthop 1985;199:12–16.Lindsjo, U.: Classification of ankle fractures: The Lauge-Hansen or AO system? Clin. Orthop., 199, 1985, s.12-16. 35. Lohnert, J., Latal, J.: Fracturae axis seu epistrophei...
Background and purpose - Classification of ankle fractures is crucial for guiding treatment but advanced classifications such as the AO Foundation/Orthopedic Trauma Association (AO/OTA) are often too complex for human observers to learn and use. We have therefore investigated whether an automated ...
The roentgenograms of 310 children treated for ankle fractures were evaluated for grouping according to the classifications of Ashhurst-Bromer-Weber, Lauge-Hansen, and Salter-Harris. The mean age of the children at the time of injury was 11.1 years (range 2–14 years). Two hundred twenty-one...
Epidemiology of ankle fractures in Rochester, Minnesota Of accepted classifications, the Lauge-Hansen system provided the most clinically relevant information.doi:10.3109/17453678709146395Peter J. DalyRobert H. FitzgeraldL. Joseph MeltonD M IlstrupActa Orthop Scand......
Rational treatment of ankle fractures requires knowledge of the extent of bone and soft tissue injury. Although the Lauge-Hansen classification attempts to do this by relating specific fracture patterns to injury mechanism, the experimental underpinning for this classification has not been reexamined rigor...
•94patientswithanklefractures•4observers•ClassifyaccordingtoLaugeHansenandWeber•Evaluatedtheprecision(observer’sagreementwitheachother)Thomsenetal,JBJS-Br,1991 Literature •Acceptablereliabiltywithbothsystems•Poorprecisionofstaging,especialyPAinjuries•Recommend:classificationsystemsshouldhavereliability...
Whilst any fracture can become open, the mostcommon fracturesare tibial, phalangeal, forearm, ankle, and metacarpal. The outcomes of an open fracture can be considered in the following way: Skin– this can range from a very small wound to significant tissue loss, whereby coverage will not be...
of treatment of manic joint fracture is to completely remove the intra-articular bone fragments and achieve anatomic reduction at the ankle point. However, it has been reported abroad that it is very difficult to completely rely on surgical anatomical reduction for the treatment of ankle fractures,...
Background: The decision regarding which trans syndesmotic ankle fractures to treat surgically and which to treat non-surgically is a matter of debate. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology of ankle fractures treated at Sahlgrenska University Hospital (SU) during a 2-year period...
Is it time to revisit the AO classification of fractures of the distal radius? Inter- and intra-observer reliability of the AO classification. We conducted an observational radiographic study to determine the inter- and intra-observer reliability of the AO classification of fractures of the distal....