Handfast抓紧beinhandfast被牢牢掌握着handfeedhandless笨手笨脚的Handmaid起服务或辅助作用的事物Lawisthehandmaidofjustice.法律是为正义服务的.Handmoney=earnestmoney定钱Payearnestmoneyonacar付定金 Handpick用手采摘,仔细挑选,Theywereclearlyhandpickedfromthehundreds.Handsel(...
For example, the orbital radii are able to capture the distance to maximum radial charge density, which determines the interatomic distances and angles in crystals5,9. Although the orbital radii are not directly measured from experiments and unsuitable for full elec- tronic structure calculations, ...
Similarly, β- turn residues must not consist solely of β-strand residues. β- turns have been classified according to the values of their central residue dihedral angles, ϕ and ψ. A deviation of ± 30° from these canonical values is allowed on 3 of these ...
基本词汇 •Terminology术语 •Jargon行话 •slang俚语 •argot黑话 •Dialectalwords方言词 •Archaism古语词 •Neologism新词 CharacteristicsofBasicWordStock •Allnationalcharacter全民性 •Stability稳定性 •Productivity能产性 •Polysemy多义性 •Collocability搭配性 Whichisnotacharacteristicofbasic ...
[ANGLES] In this project a musical tone classifier based on a neurally inspired onset model is performed, as many physiological and psychoacoustic evidences reveal the importance of the sound onset in the Human Auditory System, specifically in the fields of coding and recognition of sounds. The ...
(see figure 1b).3.1.5lattice strutmember, positioned diagonally or at right angles to the flange, which connects two parallel flange members (seefigure 1b)keyhdepth of beambflange widthhdepth (thickness) of flangetthickness of webkey1flange2panel web3vertical strut4diagonal strutlicensed copy:...
A schematic illustration of this shift of out-of-plane wrinkling to higher shear angles is shown in Figure 20. The coupling between shear and tension is an effect related to the woven fabric and has been discussed in different papers, all showing a delay in the onset of wrinkling during ...
Based on its competitive advantage, PA was used in this study as a preprocessing method in the hyperspectral image processing to eliminate the translation, rotation and scaling components caused by different angles of spectral sensors, lamps and imaged samples, etc. Finally, the widely used method ...
given usc deal there two anyone pi headache regards basically angles bull line with this inside can uk of my result and is am it an have in any if information containing polygon make tells book which you ray draw may successive such a algorithm i lines vertices scrowe algorithms the ...
词汇学III. classification of words III.ClassificationofWordsWordsmayfallinto(1)basicwordstockandnon-basicvocabularybyusefrequency;(2)contentwordsandfunctionalwordsbynotion(3)nativewordsandborrowedwordsbyorigin 3.1Basicwordstockandnon-basicvocabulary 3.1.1Thebasicwordstock:...