Structure et ultrastructure de Lacrymaria olor (O. F. M. 1786) Protistologica (1970) J. Bohatier et al. Observations sur la cytologie et sur l’ultrastructure du cilié Acropisthium mutabilePerty 1852 C. r. Séanc. Soc. Biol. (1973) J. Bohatier et al. Observations ultrastructurales ...
Litostomatea 62Incl. Pleurostomum. 63Incl. Hemimastix, Spironema, Stereonema, Paramastix sed.m. 64= Stephanopogon. 65= Plicostoma; incl. Diplonemea. 66Incl. Kinetoplastea, Calkinsia, Postgaardi. 67Incl. Colponema sed.m. Algovora, Myzomonadea (Voromonas, Aplphamonas, Chilovora), ...
The class Litostomatea has been traditionally rather poorly defined as having an apically positioned cytostome, uniform somatic ciliation and a non-distinct oral apparatus4,5,33,92. Lynn5recognized two subclasses, Haptoria and Trichostomatia. A third subclass, Rhynchostomatia, was recently establi...