Classification algorithms are the most commonly used data mining models that are widely used to extract valuable knowledge from huge amounts of data. This paper provides a survey of numerous data mining classification techniques for innovative database applications. There are number of classification ...
Data mining techniques extracted the hidden patterns among the data and with build the model of databases design the decision support system that in the field of decision will help to doctors. In this article, which is a review article, its purpose is to discuss on the application of data ...
Mining Educational Data to Predict Students' Academic Performance In this context, many researchers have been using data mining techniques to support and solve challenges in higher education. There are many challenges facing this level of education, one of which is helping students to choose the ...
Data mining plays a promising and significant role in this aspect. Data Mining techniques can be used for disease prediction. In this research, the classification based data mining techniques are applied to healthcare data. This research focuses on the prediction of heart disease using three ...
Statistical data-mining (DM) and machine learning (ML) are promising tools to assist in the analysis of complex dataset. In recent decades, in the precision of agricultural development, plant phenomics study is crucial for high-throughput phenotypin
A.ShameemFathima, D.Manimegalai and NisarHundewale "A Review of Data Mining Classification Techniques Applied for Diagnosis and Prognosis of the Arbovirus-Dengue" IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8 Issue 6, November 2011, pg. 322-328....
Data volumes have increased noticeably in the few passed years and also expected to have consistent growth in coming years. Data mining is the most promising solution for dealing with such huge amount of data with little knowledge for its categorization as it helps in organizing data into sensible...
In this study two categories of techniques :Statistical techniques and data mining technique ,one methods from each technique is considered for comparative study ,these are decision tree technique C5.0 and support vector machine (SVM) applied on widely used intrusion data i.e. NSL-KDD data set ...
This paper present a survey on several classification techniques which are generally used for data mining such as nave bayes, decision tree, Knearest neighbor, Rule based, neural network etc. Key wordsBug report, classification, nave bayes, decision tree, K-nearest neighbor, Rule based, neural ...
Data mining techniques are important to sift through the huge amount of gene expression values in microarrays resulting in valuable biological knowledge. An important example is classifying cancer samples, which is crucial to biologists for cancer diagnosis and treatment. In this paper we propose the ...