72 [GB] GB /T 20878 - 2007 Stainless and heat-resisting steels - Designation and chemical composition 73 [JIS] JIS G 4403 - 2005 High speed tool steels 74 [JIS] JIS G 3101 - 2011 Rolled steels for general structure 75 [GB] GB /T 18254 - 2002 High-carbon Chromium Bearing Steel...
Initial Prison Designation Federal inmates are assigned to a specific level of security based on their custody and classification score. The Bureau of Prisons’ Designation and Sentence Computation Center (DSCC) initially calculates this security score. This initial classification of prisoners is typically...
(1) the concept of a more virulent form of retinopathy observed in the tiniest babies (aggressive, posterior ROP), (2) a description of an intermediate level of plus disease (pre-plus) between normal posterior pole vessels and frank plus disease, and (3) a practical clinical tool for ...
The sixth edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual[23] recommends anatomic staging using the Ann Arbor Staging System and adopts the International Prognostic Index[24] as a useful tool in making treatment decisions. The International Prognostic Index (Table 3) takes into account anatomic stage, ag...
The addition of "s," "w," or "f" to the standard three-letter designation adds significant information when mapping and analysis is being conducted. A new quantity is herein proposed, the potential excess precipitation value (PEP value). The PEP value is actual annual precipitation minus ...
Designations such as combined small cell carcinoma (in the lung) mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma (MANEC; in the tubular gastrointestinal tract), or mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine neoplasm (MiNEN; in the pancreas) have been proposed for this family. While this conceptual category is ...
she was hired by the director of the Harvard College Observatory to help in the photographic classification of stellar spectra. She helped develop a common designation system for stars and cataloged more than ten thousand stars, 59 gaseousnebulae, over 310variable stars, and 10novaeand other astro...
Long and short mcr/mcr-like amino acid and nucleotide datasets (with variation in sequence length) were generated using the same approach as in generating the LSaa/LSnt/SSaa/SSnt datasets. Based on phylogenetic designation, the prediction accuracy was compared among three deep learning models....
Control valves are designed to throttle flows and they are not necessary able to close100%with no leakage. The shut off ability has to do with type of valve. Double seated control valves have very poor shut off capabilities. In addition - the guiding, the seat material, the actuator thrust...
Classification of the acoustic repertoires of animals into sound types is a useful tool for taxonomic studies, behavioral studies, and for documenting the occurrence of animals. Classification of acoustic repertoires enables the identification of species