Classification--ABC 分类法对 于库存的所有物料 Rescheduling--计划自动重排允许计算机系 统当它发现交货日期和需用日期失效时,自动改 变预计入库量的交货日期。一般不推荐这种方 法。 AvailableMaterial--可用材料 AvailableInventory--可达到库存 AvailableStock--达到库存 AvailableWork--可利用工时 Available-to-promise...
ABC Classification--ABC分类法对于库存的所有物料,按照全年货币价值从大到小排序,然后划分为三大类,分别称为A类、B类和C类.A类物料价值最高,受到高度重视,处于中间的B类物料受重视程度稍差,而C类物料价值低,仅进行例行控制管理.ABC分类法的原则是通过放松对低值物料的控制管理而节省精力,从而可以把高值物料的库存...
Available Inventory--可达到库存 Available Stock--达到库存 Available Work--可利用工时 Available-to-promise--可签约量 公司库存量或计划生产量中尚未签约的部分。这种数字通常可由主生产计划计算出来,并作为签订销合同的依据而不断调整。 Average Inventory--平均库存 ABC Classification ABC分类法 对于库存的所有...
The standard approach in ABC applications is to set the same service level for all stock keeping units (SKUs) in a class. In this paper, we show (for three large real life datasets) that the application of both demand value and demand volume as ABC ranking criteria, with fixed service ...
By utilizing ABC Classification, businesses can streamline their inventory control processes, optimize stock levels, and allocate resources effectively based on the items’ strategic importance.What Does ABC Stand For?ABC in ABC Classification stands for categories A, B, and C, which align with the ...
Safety Stock 安全库存 Safety Time 保险期 Scheduled Receipt 预计入库量 Scrap Factor 残料率/废品系数 Service Parts 维修件 Shop Floor Control 车间作业管理 Shrinkage Factor 损耗系数 Time Bucket 时间段 Time Fence 时界 VE (value engineering) 价值工程 Vendor Scheduling 采购计划法 Work Center 工作中心 Work...
Benefits of ABC Classification ABC classification offers several benefits: End-of-Life Management: It helps forecast demand, allowing for better management of stock levels, particularly for products in the decline phase. Supplier Negotiation: Focus negotiation efforts on Class A items to maximize profita...
A ABC Classification--ABC分类法 对于库存的所有物料,按照全年货币价值从大到小排序,然后划分为三大类,分别称为A类、B类和C类。A类物料价值最高,受到高度重视,处于中间的B类物料受重视程度稍差,而C类物料价值低,仅进行例行控制管理。ABC分类法的原则是通过放松对低值物料的控制管理而节省精力,从而可以把高值物料...
针对矿山企业库存管理中存在的典型问题,采用库存ABC分类法将物料进行分类,从而分清物料的主次关系。 更多例句>> 2) ABC stock taxonomy ABC库存分类法 3) ABC inventory classified control method ABC库存分类控制法 1. And it probes into the mathematic model of inventory control、ABC inventory classified contro...
ABC analysis is the method of classifying items based on their relative importance. Item classification can, for example, be based on monetary value, availability of resources, and carrying cost.Most companies carry numerous items in stock. To have better control, and at a reasonable cost, it ...