【例句2】She studied classics at Cambridge. (她在剑桥学习古典文学。)[剑桥高级学者辞典]【例句3】Judith studied classics at Oxford. (朱迪思在牛津大学学习古典文学。)[朗文当代英语词典]【例句4】He helped to establish the classics department at the University of Massachusetts. (他帮助建立了马萨诸塞大...
1 1 University of Cambridge 100.0.0 2 2 University of Oxford 96.3 3 3 University of St Andrews 94.9 4 5 Durham University 93.2 5 14 University of Exeter 91.5 6 9 University of Warwick 90.1 7 20 University of Glasgow 89.6 8 18 University of Nottingham 88.9 9 7= University College London...
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For Imre Galambos, emeritus professor of Chinese and faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge, the similarities between the philosophies of the East and West are "striking." For example, the Silver Rule in the West says "Don't do unto others as you would ...
University of Oxford Oxford, United Kingdom Shortlist Compare Employability Research & Discovery More Info NEW Employer Reputation 93.1 Rank 3 Overall Score: 92.4 University of Cambridge Cambridge, United Kingdom Shortlist Compare Employability Research & Discovery More Info NEW Employer ...
《古典文学教学杂志》(Journal Of Classics Teaching)是一本以CLASSICS综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Cambridge University Press出版商该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦CLASSICS领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学术交流的信息窗口与平台。该刊2023年...
WEST AFRICAN CLASSICSdoi:10.1017/S0009840X15002115Steve NyamilanduUniversity of St Andrews/University of MalawiCambridge University PressClassical Review
The Oxford History of Historical Writ... The Rape of Europa The Gallic War 9.7 普鲁塔克的《对比列传》 8.5 现代史学的古典基础 9.1 罗马的文学与宗教 7.0 The Cambridge Companion to Ha... The Rise of the Novel 9.4 Allen and Greenough's New Latin ... 8.6 Dante 9.2 我来说...
All this___to carbon-dioxide emissions. Michael Ramage of the University of Cambridge told the meeting of a 300-square-metre four-storey wooden building that generated 126 tonnes of CO2. Had it been made with___, emissions would have risen to 310 tonnes. If steel had been used, they ...