This magnificent poem (authorless, from our perspective) exemplifies one of the foundational principles of this course: namely, that we can find “classic” quality at any point along the 1,300-year arc from Beowulf to the present day. The dawn of British literature is obstructed by Anglo-...
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43. Joyce and Yeats - Giants of Irish Literature 32:23 44. Great War, Great Poetry 29:21 45. Bloomsbury and the Bloomsberries 28:58 46. 20th-Century English Poetry - Two Traditions 31:33 47. British Fiction from James to Rushdie 31:21 48. New Theatre, New Literary Worlds 30:37 【...
电子书Classics of British Literature 含pdf+音频+视频 电子书Classics of British Literature 含pdf+音频+视频 电子书Classics of British Literature 含pdf+音频+视频
47. British Fiction from James to Rushdie 31:21 48. New Theatre, New Literary Worlds 30:37 【TGC课程】工业革命 The Industrial Revolution 36集【英语】 servemeee 【TTC讲座】英语文学经典 Classics of British Literature 48集【英语】 servemeee ...
听原著学英语创作的有声书作品TTC - Classics of British Literature 英国文学经典,目前已更新48个声音,收听最新音频章节48 New Theatre, New Literary Worlds。
电子书Classics of British Literature 含pdf+音频+视频 电子书Classics of British Literature 含pdf+音频+视频…
43. Joyce and Yeats - Giants of Irish Literature 32:23 44. Great War, Great Poetry 29:21 45. Bloomsbury and the Bloomsberries 28:58 46. 20th-Century English Poetry - Two Traditions 31:33 47. British Fiction from James to Rushdie ...
Jane Austen was a British novelist who died in 1817 at the age of just 41, but whose books have stood the test of time. In the 21st century, her novels continue to be not only studied in school but also read for pleasure. We asked the distinguished Austen scholarPatricia Meyer Spacksto...