In the first theorem an essential point is the singling out of the role of functional imbeddings and the formulation of a criterion for the existence of an invariant subspace in terms of a functional imbedding of a special form. As far as the commutant lifting theorem is concerned, our ...
We showed in a previous work that, not only simple reactions like A + B ⇋ C but also more complex reactions involving a two-step kinetic mechanism (e.g., “induced-fit mechanism”), could be addressed by kinITC (Burnouf et al., 2012). In this chapter, we will focus exclusively ...
As we have seen, many solids have linear elastic behavior followed by a change in the stress–strain response to a more flow-type behavior that will result in permanent material deformation when the loadings are removed. Plasticity theory can be a very complex study since it can include large...
This book gives a rigorous treatment of selected topics in classical analysis, with many applications and examples. The exposition is at the undergraduate level, building on basic principles of advanced calculus without appeal to more sophisticated techniques of complex analysis and Lebesgue integration....
Geometric Theory of Extremals in Optimal Control Problems: I. The Fold and Maxwell Case The behavior of the extremal curves in optimal control theory is much more complex than that of their namesakes in the classical calculus of variations. He... I Kupka - 《Transactions of the American Mathe...
K. thanks Michael Freedman and John Preskill for many inspiring discussions on the topics included in this book. We are grateful to Andrew Landahl for providing the solution to Problem 3.6 and pointing to some inconsistencies in the original manuscript. Among other people who have helped us to ...
What is still really missing, as announced above, is the combination, the integration of all that fine-grained accumulated knowledge, so that the principles of organization of those complex systems come to the surface. In other words, more global, holistic, approaches have to find their way ...
Bialynicki-Birula, I.: Hydrodynamics of relativistic probability flows, Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaotic and Complex Systems pp. 64–71 (1996) Bialynicki-Birula, I.: The photon wave function. In Coherence and Quantum Optics VII, pp. 313–322 (1996) Kuz’menkov, L.S., Maksimov, S.G.: Quantu...
Special functions: generic properties in the light of Sturm-Liouville theory and complex analysis Special topics: 1. Introduction to Mathematica 2. Integral transforms: Fourier and Laplace transforms, 3. Essential statistics: Bayes theorem, binomial - Poisson - Gaussian distributions, central limit ...
Related Topics: conditioning stimulus-response theory neobehaviourism behaviour purposive behaviourism See all related content behaviourism, a highly influential academic school ofpsychologythat dominated psychological theory between the two world wars. Classical behaviourism, prevalent in the first third of the...