The Classical Theory of Fields 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 这本书是我在大三上看的,当时没有张量知识,所以比较头疼。但是同时学学梁灿斌先生写的《微分几何与广义相对论》,那么张量这个问题就可以解决掉。全书通过四维张量,通过狭义相对论推导出拉格朗日方程,于是电动力学的方程也是顺水推舟。看完力学之后再看这...
The study of classical electromagnetic fields is an adventure. The theory is complete mathematically and we are able to present it as an example of classical Newtonian experimental and mathematical philosophy. There is a set of foundational experiments, on which most of the theory is constructed. ...
Landau, Lifschitz. Vol. 2. The Classical Theory of Fields (Butterworth-Heinemann).pdfLandau, L DLifshitz, E M
Electrodynamics and classical theory of fields and particles 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 The first comprehensive treatment of relativistic electrodynamics, and still essential reading in the field, deftly revealing the classical underpinnings of modern quantum field theory. Among the topics: space...
The Classical Theory of Fields Volume 2 in Course of Theoretical Physics Book • Fourth Edition • 1975Authors: L.D. LANDAU and E.M. LIFSHITZAbout the book Browse this book By table of contents Book description Translated from the 6th Russian edition, this latest edition contains seven new...
作者:Helrich, Carl S. 出版年:2012-1 页数:464 定价:$ 111.87 ISBN:9783642232046 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 内容简介· ··· The study of classical electromagnetic fields is an adventure. The theory is complete mathematically and we are able to present it a...
Course of Theoretical Physics(共10册),这套丛书还有 《Quantum Electrodynamics》《Physical Kinetics》《Theory of Elasticity》《Quantum Mechanics: Non-Relativistic Theory》《Electrodynamics of Continuous Media》等。 喜欢读"The Classical Theory of Fields"的人也喜欢 ··· Mechanics 9.7 Quantum Mechanics:...
Classical Theory of Gauge FieldsThis Page Intentionally Left BlankClassical Theoryof Gauge FieldsValery RubakovTranslated by Stephen S WilsonPRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESSPRINCETON AND OXFORDCopyright c 2002 by Prince
Landau Lifshitz : Classical Theory of Fields (Elsevier Science) Quantum Mechanics I Syllabus: 1. Wave mechanics: wave-particle duality, wavefunctions and wave groups, expectation values, bra-ket notation (linear algebra not required), uncertainty principle, Schrödinger equation, free particles, box...