I am not going to attack classical education. 我不想攻击传统教育体制. 来自互联网 3. The old style classical education received its most crushing blow in the citadel of Harvard College. 在哈佛学院的城堡里,旧式的经典教育受到了最毁灭性的打击. 来自互联网 点击展开全部例句拍照...
必应词典为您提供classical-education的释义,na. 古典文教育; 网络释义: 古典教育;经典教育;人文科学教育;
英['klæsɪk(ə)l] adj.古典的;经典的;传统的;和古希腊与古罗马文化相关的 网络古典音乐;古典文学的;古典乐 搭配 同义词 反义词 adj.+n. classical music,classical style,classical education,classical tradition,classical dance 释义: 全部,古典的,经典的,传统的,和古希腊与古罗马文化相关的,古典音乐...
Classical education is like a very large museum with many beautiful, wonder-filled rooms that could be studied over a lifetime. It is a long tradition of education that has emphasized the seeking after of truth, goodness, and beauty and the study of the
(Education) (in Quebec) a college offering a programme that emphasizes the classics and leads to university entrance Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
You use classical to describe something that is traditional in form, style, or content. classical e.g. Fokine did not change the steps of classical ballet; instead he found new ways of using them. 福金没有改变传统芭蕾舞的舞步,而是另辟蹊径对这些舞步加以运用。
Greed, Self-interest and the Shaping of Economics Approximately two thirds of the overall project time per participating student per year is spent on the module classical school lessons on CC (figure 1). Changing Climate Change Education: Exploring moderate constructivist and transdisciplinary approaches...
classicaladjcolloquial(musical style: formal)(音乐风格)SCSimplified Chinese古典的,正统的gǔ diǎn de ,zhèng tǒng de TCTraditional Chinese正統的 I listen mainly to classical music. classicaladj(musical genre: of Mozart's era)(音乐流派)SCSimplified Chinese古典派的gǔ diǎn pài de ...
Narrow specialism has impeded appreciation of the castellated fusion of state, style and security. As socio-political study develops so will the risk of making 'display' and 'prestige' the new bandwagon, especially in the simplistic ... C Coulson - 《Journal of Medieval History》 被引量: 13...