New answers tagged classical-mechanics 2 votes How to solve this partial differential equation for y? You are trying basically to construct the Lagrangian describing a damped harmonic oscillator, which is characterized by a mass mm, a damping coefficient bb and a spring constant kk. Its equation...
labeled as\(\psi _n\), corresponds to a particular energy level, which will have energy\(E_n\). The wavefunction encapsulates the behavior and properties of the system at that energy level. In quantum mechanics, the equation
Mechanics is the branch of Physics dealing with the study of motion when subjected to forces or displacements, and the subsequent effects of the bodies on their environment. Various branches include Classical, Quantum and Statistical mechanics,Find out m
Developers of the many promising quantum computing applications that currently exist are urging companies in many different sectors seriously consider inte
Inordertoformulateourargument(wemust)rstclarifythemeaningofsomekeywords.Askingquestionsandprovidinganswersmaybeane,ectiverhethoricaldevicetoaccomplishthistask. 1)Whatareprobabilities? Therearedi,erentavailableinterpretationsofprobability.Herewecon-siderprobabilitiesasameasureoftheobserver’signorance(i.e.lackofinfor-...
Synchronizing Classical Processes To frame these questions precisely, we focus on patterns generated by discrete-valued, discrete-time stationary stochastic processes. There is a broad literature that addresses such emergent patterns6–8. In particular, Complexity Sciences Center and Department of Physics,...
Information flows and disseminates almost immediately. And as the game gets larger and more complicated, the new culture of learning works even better. There are no answers online. There is only a progression of increasingly complicated and more difficult questions. And, more often than not, ...