Classical conditioning, which was formalized by Pavlov in 1906, is a type of associative learning in which the neutral conditioned stimulus (CS) comes to evoke a conditioned response (CR) that is similar to the unconditioned response (UR) induced by the unconditioned stimulus (US) after ...
and also the time between theneutral stimulus(aka the conditioned stimulus designed by the researcher, in this case, the bell ringing) and the unconditioned stimulus. The shorter the latter one is, the quicker the acquisition would be.
classical conditioning词源英文解释 The first known use of classical conditioning was in 1941 classical conditioning医学词典英英释义 classical conditioningnoun conditioning in which the conditioned stimulus (as the sound of a bell) is paired with and precedes the unconditioned stimulus (as the sight of ...
unconditioned stimulus References in periodicals archive ? For example, acute stress facilitates classical conditioning and increases apical CA1 dendritic spine density in male rats, but impairs classical conditioning and decreases CA1 spine density in female rats (Wood & Shors, 1998; Shors et al.,...
ClassicalConditioning UnconditionedResponsetothepresentationoffood=Salivation ClassicalConditioning UCS=Food UCR=Salivation ClassicalConditioning NS=TuningFork(Bell)ClassicalConditioning NeutralStimulusAssociatedWithUnconditionedStimulus ClassicalConditioning CS=TuningFork ElicitsCR=Salivation ClassicalConditioning UCSFood UC...
When the sound was repeatedly associated with food, it became a conditioned stimulus (CS). When the dogs salivated in response to the sound (without food being present), this was known as a conditioned response (CR). A real-life experience of this kind of conditioning occurred for me ...
there should only be a brief interval between presentation of the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus. Depending on what is being conditioned, sometimes this interval is as little as five seconds (Chance, 2009). However, with other types of conditioning, the interval can be up to...
Classical conditioning is a learning process where an association is formed between a physiologically relevant stimulus (unconditioned stimulus, US; e.g., food) and a neutral stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS; e.g., a sound of a bell). Initially, the biologically relevant stimulus elicits a ...
The first part of the classical conditioning process requires a naturally occurring stimulus that will automatically elicit a response. Salivating in response to the smell of food is a good example of a naturally occurring stimulus. During this phase of the process, the unconditioned stimulus (UCS...
TheComponentsandTimingofClassicalConditioning •古典制約的成分 1.非制約刺激(unconditionedstimulus,US):原本可引發自動、不需學習之生理或情緒反應的刺激。例如食物。2.非制約反應(unconditionedresponse,UR):由非制約刺激所引發的自動、不需學習的生理或情緒反應,例如食物引起的唾液分泌。TheComponentsandTimingof...