Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of the Renaissance was the re-emergence of the gods and goddesses of antiquity. In the midst of Christian Europe, artists started to decorate luxury goods with scandalous stories from classical mythology. (Gardners)Malcolm Bull...
Ivory continued to serve many of the same purposes in Christendom as it did in Classical antiquity. For the first time in classical antiquity the nuclear family had assumed a central role in the politics of state. For the Renaissance: a reverential longing to recapture classical antiquity. 相关...
Shops, bars, and craftsmen's workshops have always attracted a lot of visitors to the area between the Cathedral, or "Dom" in German, and the Römer, the main square in the center of Frankfurt. Historically, the area included buildings of many different styles, such as Gothic, Renaissance...
In the context of traditional European classical studies, the "classical languages" refer to Greek and Latin, which were the literary languages of the Mediterranean world in classical antiquity. 在傳統的歐洲古典學研究中,「古典語言」指的多半是希臘語及拉丁語;這兩種語言都是古典時代地中海地區的文學...
早期的艺术史家又是正确的,因为中世纪的古典观念[classical conceptions]下所采用的艺术形式[artistic forms]与我们现在所理解的古典观念[ideas of antiquity]完全不同。 直到“文艺复兴”真正意味着古典的“重生”["rebirth" of antiquity],古代才作为一种明确的历史现象[defined historical phenomenon]出现。
Film Set In Antiquity Film À Clef Findie Flashback Film Florida Western Folk Horror Film Found Film Found Footage Found Footage Horror Free Cinema Gambling Film Gangster Film Gay And Lesbian Film Gay Related Film Gendai Geki Genre Movie German Underground Horror Ghost Film Giallo Girls With Guns...
During the period of transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque, the bell expert and recorder virtuoso, Jacob van Eyck, blind from birth, dictated his approximately 150 diminutions of well-known church and folk melodies in order that they could be published. With this monumental complete ...
This discovery is confirmed by a legend that has come down to us from classical antiquity: a legend whose profound and universal power to move can only be understood if the hypothesis I have put forward in regard to the psychology of children has an equally universal validity. What I have ...
Although some sculpture and architecture, principally in Rome, had remained above ground from antiquity, classical art was known during the Renaissance largely from classical texts that mentioned buildings, sculptures and paintings, which had long since disappeared. Until systematic archaeological excavations...
pigments, from Antiquity through Medieval times, Renaissance, Baroque, Impressionism and Modern Art, see: Colour Pigments: Types, History. For the definition and meaning of colour terminology in painting, see: Colour Glossary For Artists. HISTORY OF COLOUR PIGMENTS For details of pigments, dyes and...