Thistle Teais a Rogue-exclusive item that restores 100 Energy on a 5-minute cooldown. Use this item only when you have 0 Energy to maximize the Energy gain that it provides. 5.4. Engineering Engineeringis an all-round useful profession in WoW Classic. The trinkets and consumables are very ...
Recipe: Thistle Tea –At level 20 Rogues can pick up a quest from their trainer, leading them around level appropriate zones and eventually rewarding Recipe: Thistle Tea, allowing Rogues to cook a unique item that restores Energy on-use. At level 50 all classes receive a quest taking them...
Sagefish Delight Melee DPS (Hunters, Rogues, Warriors, and Enhancement Shamans) You need Agility and Strength. Screenshot by Dot Esports Elixir of Ogre’s Strength Solid Sharpening Stone or Shadow Oil (apply to your off-hand) Elixir of Agility Dragonbreath Chili Thistle Tea (Rogues only) Tip:...
Rogues aren’t godlike however. To do all of that, they need a variety of reagents : rogue tools, vanishing and blinding powders, poisons, thistle tea, bandages, food, ammunition for his ranged weapon, and a mount once level 40. All of this is necessary to correctly play your rogue, a...
#showtooltip /startattack /cast berserking /cast blood fury /use [combat] 13 /use [combat] 14 /use [combat] Potion of Speed /use [combat] 10 /use flame cap /use thistle teaCopy Vanish Attack Macro This macro allows you to use Ambush on your current target with 1 button. If your rai...
Inscription levels 525-600:140-160 stacksof level 80-85 herbs ie) Green Tea Leaf Apprentice Inscription (Leveling guide: 1-75) For this part of the leveling guide you’ll only need the recipes from the Inscription trainers in the big cities (Stormwind, Undercity, etc) From level 1-75 yo...