Sunken Temple General Quests Sunken Temple Class Quests 3. Overview of Bosses in Sunken Temple Here we will give you a full rundown of what you can expect from each of the bosses found here as well as the items they drop. 3.1. Atal'ai Defenders While not a single boss, these six gu...
This page contains a full loot list for the new, revamped raid, Sunken Temple, for Season of Discovery in WoW Classic.
Recent Blue Posts The cart is super frustrating All my quests, my quest progress and phasing is gone So we can’t upgrade season 1 items anymore… Realms are being marked live -- 2:45 p.m. PST Save up to 50% During the WoW Game Deals Sale!Warcraft...
The Temple of Atal’hakkar Quests Blackrock Depths Quests Dungeon Lore Dungeon 2 (Tier 0.5) Set Dungeon Leveling Guide Quests Scepter of the Shifting Sands Ahn’Qiraj War Effort Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight Legendaries Atiesh Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros Thunderfury Guide Epic Weapons ...
The Temple of Atal’hakkar Blackrock Depths Dire Maul Dire Maul East Dire Maul West Dire Maul North Scholomance Stratholme Stratholme (Undead) Stratholme (Living) Blackrock Spire Lower Blackrock Spire Upper Blackrock Spire List of Dungeon Quests The Temple of Atal’hakkar Quests Blackrock Dept...
Temple of Atal’Hakkar (Sunken Temple) Location: Swamp of Sorrows, Eastern Kingdoms Level: 50-56 Dungeon Quests: 8 Just like the area it’s located in, this temple is fascinating. As its subtitle implies, it is an underwater temple inhabited by trolls. It’s filled with excellent loot an...
Will there be the same DM quests? For example there was the level 60 quest where mages had to kill this water elemental in DM to get the next level of uber water. And there were the excellent class quests in Sunken Temple at level 54 to get some rare item. And I have fond memories...
The quests got us some xp, but since we had all advanced beyond the first two zones, a lot of our gear was already better than the quest rewards. So the choice is always then to ask which will vendor for the most gold. We also got a bit rooked on boss drops. Except for one item...
The largest Classic World of Warcraft (WoW) information site, featuring guides, news, and information on classes, professions, quests, raids, items, and more.
Welcome to our WoW Classic guide for the dark and sinister Shadow Priest! Shadow Priests are pure damage dealers unlike the other two priest specializations, and are unable to even cast healing abilities while using their iconic Shadowform. To fully real