Welcome to our dungeon guide for WoW Classic! Azeroth is home to more than 20 combined dungeons and raids, all of which offer some exciting and useful loot on your journey to level 60 and beyond. Every dungeon has level requirements, but you’ll always n
Unlike in retail WoW, the majority of the dungeons available can be entered as a group of up to 10 players. The general recommended number of players is 5, as you cannot complete dungeon quests when you have more than 5 players (due to being in a raid group). ...
One wing that isn’t locked, the Library wing, contains The Scarlet Key in Doan’s Strongbox at the end of the wing. You need this key in order to enter SM Armory or SM Cathedral. Much like Stratholme, all you need to do is loot the key to complete attunement. Kill Arcanist Doan ...
cd c:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer dotnet run --configuration Release As a library used within the bot The bot will use the PathingAPI to work out routes, these are shown on the route map as green points. Macros Warlock heal macro used in warlock profiles. #showtooltip Create Healthstone...
cd c:\WowClassicGrindBot\PathingAPI dotnet run --configuration Release cd c:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer dotnet run --configuration Release As a library used within the bot The bot will use the PathingAPI to work out routes, these are shown on the route map as green points. Macros Warl...
cd c:\WowClassicGrindBot\PathingAPI dotnet run --configuration Release cd c:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer dotnet run --configuration Release As a library used within the bot The bot will use the PathingAPI to work out routes, these are shown on the route map as green points. Macros Warl...
cd c:\WowClassicGrindBot\PathingAPI dotnet run --configuration Release cd c:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer dotnet run --configuration Release As a library used within the bot The bot will use the PathingAPI to work out routes, these are shown on the route map as green points. Macros Warl...
My name is Judgement and I am a Classic WoW enthusiast. I have been playing WoW since Vanilla and in the most recent years I have been spending a lot of time playing Vanilla WoW private servers. After Classic was announced I started to work on leveling r