Icy Veins provides detailed guides and news for WoW Classic: class guides, dungeon guides, reputation guides, raid guides, event guides, pvp guides, etc.
PvP Rank Rewards For example, the Spell Penetration trinkets available from the Warsong Gulch vendor weren’t introduced until Patch 1.9, so we’re currently thinking that we’ll add these in phase 5. Its quite likely that not all other rank rewards will be available during P2. I wouldn’...
The macro needs to target the NPC, and if necessary open up the repair or vendor page. The bot will click the key and the npc will be targetted. Then it will click the interact button which will cause the bot to move to the NPC and open the NPC options, this may be enough to ...
You will need 418 gold total to purchase all of the required vendor items. If you know another Warlock who has already purchased J'eevee's Jar, Black Lodestone, and Xorothian Glyphs, this will save you 250 gold, leaving you to purchase the other required items for 168 gold total. Materia...
WoW Classic Engineering: PvP Leveling There are two types of Engineering: Goblin and Gnomish. Specifically for PvP, Gnomish Engineering is a better choice. It produces items like: Gnomish Death Ray (a level 48 Trinket); Gnomish Rocket Boots (they increase your run speed for twenty seconds); ...
Bought from the PvP Vendor at Rank 14 Alterac Valley Exalted Relic Totem of Rebirth Isalien in Dire Maul East (tier 0,5 questline) 7. Frost Resistance Gear for Enhancement Shamans Once you reach Sapphiron in the Naxxramas raid, you will want to use a decent amount of Frost Resistance ge...
Advanced Interface Options: Unlocks hidden interface settings and includes a handy cvar explorer, ideal for players who enjoy customizing their WoW client. AtlasLootClassic: Displays loot tables for all in-game content. A must-have since Classic lacks a Dungeon Journal. Vendor Price: Adds item ven...
Trinket 1: Seal of the Pantheon Trinket 2: Essence of Gossamer Weapon - Red Sword Of Curage Enchant: Mongoose Shield - Crygil’s Discarded Plate Panel Enchant: 20 Def Libram - Libram of Obstruction Uncrissdenom-pagleOctober 6, 2022, 3:29pm303 ...
Gahz’rilla is the main objective of a quest originating in Gadgetzan that rewards your character with the famed Carrot on a Stick trinket. Additionally, the boss drops other powerful loot such as the Gahz’rilla Fang dagger and the Gahz’rilla Scale Armor chestplate. However, before you can...
The other reason you want to be doing them every day is to unlock some powerful gear and recipes from the reputation vendor, most notably here, you have these Shattered neckpieces, there’s one for every role and if you’re still rocking something from WOW TBC Classic phase ...