Prot pallies can raid mt just fine. Their gearing prebis is a little harder to become uncrushable but it’s not that bad. From the get go Bears are better tanks on everything in kara besides prince. All the tanks are viable and playable. I’d take a Bear and prot pally in kara be...
Paladin: allow illumination to work on all abilities (fixes ret and prot pally mana without changing too much) Hunter: 20+ into beast tree pets attacks grant 25% of the damage in mana to the hunter. better pet scaling. Priest: Make smite a viable dps build imo and maybe give shadow for...
Our beloved prot pally tried to tank mag and no one could figure out why he kept just disappearing. The guy had 17k hp and with abilites active could reach 102 avoidance. Problem is that nothing stops the boss from getting 3 full blocked swings in a row with parry haste in between ...
Prot Paladin Tank Guide Stat Priority Talents & Builds Gear & Best In Slot (BiS) Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Defence (490) Total Avoidance (102.4%) Stamina (Roughly 785 for Karazhan) Spell Damage (200+) Hit/Expertise Every tanking class has a required...
Heya! So this guide is aimed at players with a wide range of WoW knowledge: complete beginners, to experienced players that may have never played Prot Paladin before. The 96969 rotation isn’t bad by any means, but it’s not significantly better than just doing a normal First Come First ...
The balancing changes throughout vanilla made a difference, particularly the talents, but even if those were undone, the fact players would drop 200 Stamina for 150 more Spell Power would be unheard of back in vanilla. People wouldn’t chug potions on cooldown, let alone use Flasks of Distil...
Shaman for Alliance, Paladin for Horde, TBC talents/class balance, with vanilla classic content. Y’know, if full-on TBC realms themselves aren’t popular enough. 6 Likes Vanillataur-garrosh August 16, 2023, 2:35pm 26 I would actually prefer a TBC seasonal where Horde Pallys and Ally...
Prot Paladin Tank Guide Stat Priority Talents & Builds Gear & Best In Slot (BiS) Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Gems As a Protection Paladin, we have a few different options to choose from. Based on your level of avoidance and current phase, you may wi...
Every private server, the only place where you had 2.4.3 talents where paladins were not gimpped that I played on. T4 and T5 content was easier with a prot warrior at least off tanking. Most of the time they would be on bosses that hit harder and survived better. Have I seen a prot...
Nobody can do what a prot paladin can do. TBC won’t have dual spec, you aren’t going to able to have your pally tank trash and then respec to holy for the boss. So the best way to guarantee your raid has everything it needs is to run Paladin and Bear as your tanks, and 1...