Then soon after that, a new server is started up. People who want to keep playing the same toons can help with the Era population so that injection is there after the first round too. Some people like doing the fresh thing, I’d like this more than playing on the progression Classic ...
Battlegrounds, dungeon or legacy raids and open world farms … full with bots . Oww i forgot ah bots. who re 7/24 online without any sleep !!! Sad blizzard do not care about them. Actually i am certain and i have a pro…
I don’t know at this point if they can beat bots, personally I’m on the side that they might as well just not allow trading if they can’t deal with bots. Token we know is mostly justified because of the reason above, they can’t beat bots so they gotta giv...
Whenever possible, provide sources about the issue to help developers to get a better understanding of the issue (wowwiki, wowpedia, wowhead, official data...). Note that everything coming from private serversis nota reliable source. Note that the more complete your contribution is (i.e. clo...
Whenever possible, provide sources about the issue to help developers to get a better understanding of the issue (wowwiki, wowpedia, wowhead, official data...). Note that everything coming from private serversis nota reliable source. Note that the more complete your contribution is (i.e. clo...
classic wow is not a private server got back to them if you wish. Kromofvahl-kelthuzad (Kromofvahl) January 3, 2020, 8:39pm 13 As someone who came from a private server, I can assure you the grass isn’t any greener. I played alliance and it was normally a turtle but instead ...
WoW isn’t some dystopian libertarian world where hookers and drug-dealers are setting up shop in front of your momma’s house It sounds like despite the fact of decriminalization in other countries, you’re equating “drug-dealers” and prostitutes with bad. This is moralizing so you’re se...
Wow wrath could reign supreme if blizzard worked on banning RMT / banning bots / balancing factions / removing layers / not changing anything in any class / not adding boosts or tokens / better phases timing / fixing WG …
But who cares, if you don’t like it, don’t play WoW. Yeah. I agree with this to an extend, but we have also seen that people complaining seem to influence developer decisions. I like this idea: Vekka: put the GDKP community in their own server. Just make a separate server type...
Plus, private servers will claim sovereignty once Classic WoW is gone. Hell, we only pay $15 for 2 games already. Blizzard has to be very careful with TBC and how they can manage it. Allow for choice and people will love Blizzard for it. 2 Likes Beaupeep-draka (Beaupeep) January ...