Learn about the Pets system for Hunters in WoW Classic and find out how to get the best pets and use them efficiently.
Stats Explained for Hunter While you can follow the basic priority above, it is important to understand how the stats are measured. The base stat you can use to compare all of the others is attack power, or AP. AP makes your abilities hit harder, and based on the increase in damage pro...
enables pets to be a significant portion of our damage, especially as Beast Mastery, for the entire expansion. One of the most important things to remember for scaling pet damage: pets only gain a portion of your AP. They do not benefit directly from any of your other secondary stats. ...
[经典旧世]ClassicHunterPetInfo 猎人 当前评分:379.1 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 62762 最后更新:2024-10-08 07:00 插件大小:50.34kb 最新版本号:ClassicHunterPetInfo 0.10-classic 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Spielstein
当前评分:183.0 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 62762 最后更新:2024-09-10 11:46 插件大小:50.42kb 最新版本号:ClassicHunterPetInfo 0.9 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Spielstein 基础指南 怀旧服问题汇总:插件、字体、防暂离等 字体字型修改教程 宏编写指南 ...
WoW RetailClassicCataclysm··· Diablo IV ··· DatabaseHunter PetsCunning Links Owl TheOwlfamily of Hunter pets are anoffensivepet, meaning they deal high DPS but have lower armor or health. To keep your pet well-fed and happy, in order to maximize its damage, you must feed your Owl ...
Whenever we are comparing Attack Power (AP) to other stats, it will always be at a 2:1 ratio since items and gems are generally budgeted at that ratio. ForBeast Mastery Hunter, AP is your best stat due to your pet damage scaling. Pets gain a portion of your AP, making it the best...
Constant pet control is required. 3. Races for Hunter In Classic World of Warcraft, you've got a few options for races as a Hunter. Each has its own unique strengths when it comes to surviving the Hardcore Challenge. Hardcore is about safety, and some races bring more safety than others...
Pet attack speeds have all been standardized to 2.0in BC Classic, so these are no longer a factor when choosing a pet. Pet stat scaling:Starting in BC, pets benefit from their hunter's stats: Pets get about 30% of the hunter's stamina added to their stamina. ...
Your pet will level up and gain loyalty/training points. While you will need to stable it occasionally to learn a new skill, constantly getting new “main” pets means you will need to keep rebuilding your loyalty points to train their abilities. You can get a lot of info on the wow-pe...