Welcome to the WoW WOTLK Classic simulator! If you have questions or are thinking about contributing,join our discordto chat! The primary goal of this project is to provide a framework that makes it easy to build a DPS sim for any class/spec, with a polished UI and accurate results. Each...
The commonly used sim is the WoWSims Simulator found at https://wowsims.github.io/wotlk/ 0 Reply Gaal 1 year ago The stat priority is not correct. Early in the expansion arp is garbage. Arp scales exponentially, the more you have the better it becomes so with the little arp availa...
We've all seen this question a thousand times by now; "How long will it take to get to level 60 in WoW Classic". A question that's difficult to answer at the best of times and the answers are always filled with anecdotes about "well when I played in Vani
Robot simulator and build a custom scale for your character to get customized advice.]=], ["InterfaceOptionsBody"] = "Click the Pawn button to go there. You can also open Pawn from your inventory page, or by binding a key to it.", ["InterfaceOptionsWelcome"] = "Pawn options...