Choosing a Class is a difficult task, even more so if you realize that there is no such thing as "universally best" choice. This is because every Class in WoW Classic has its niche and a range of unique traits/abilities (unlike in the current version of WoW, where Classes are streamline...
WoW Classic Cataclysm Melee DPS Tier List First of all, let's focus on the melee DPS rankings for WoW Classic Cataclysm. This particular list is based on raid performance, the likelihood of a class being brought to a raid, overall performance in an average raid, and what unique ...
Full Tank Class and Specialization Rankings The jump in tiers between Warriors, Druid, and Paladins is intentional. The difference between the tanks is so huge that just a single tier difference is not enough to showcase just how different the tanks are. 2.1. S-Tier Classes and Specializations...
World of Warcraft Vanilla Best Profession Tier List For PVP Battlegrounds, Making Gold, Raiding and Based on each Class in Classic WoW.
Pet damage, burst spells, and DoT spells all put Warlock at the top of the PvP tier list. Warlocks are the undisputed winners of phase one in Season of Discovery. The class has self-sustain for both health and mana, additional pet damage, high burst damage spells, and DoT options a...
You can use these to further help you decide the rest of your build byClicking/Tappingthe links below. All PVP Builds List All Leveling Guides List Best Twink Builds Best Class Tier List You can view more WoW Classic Class Guides byClicking/Tappingthe links below....
Classic EraSeason of Discovery (SoD) Here you can find the DPS rankings for World of Warcraft Classic Era. These rankings are based upon in game data recordings from all phases of WoW Classic 1.14 with data captured by WoW Classic Era B
Hardcore class tier list 138 22099 October 6, 2023 What happens if I ding 60 while in a dungeon? 20 1262 October 6, 2023 Target dummies 9 4405 October 6, 2023 Why does the daily reset kick you from dungeon 6 490 October 6, 2023 Best era server to transfer to after dying...
WoW Classic Fresh Tier List (PvE/PvP) To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of World of Warcraft, a 20th Anniversary Edition related to TBC is launched on WoW Classic with fresh realms! Which class and spec should you play for the WoW Classic Fresh TBC? We'll go over every class, highlight...
Icy Veins provides detailed guides and news for WoW Classic: class guides, dungeon guides, reputation guides, raid guides, event guides, pvp guides, etc.