A macro is a button assignable to your bars and key binds that represents a sequence of commands entered into the WoW text box. At its simplest, you can make a macro that reads: /cast Rejuvenation Which when pressed would do the same as simply casting Rejuvenationfrom your spellbook or bar...
GSE allows you create a sequence of macros to be executed at the push of a button. Like a /castsequence macro, it cycles through a series of commands when the button is pushed. However, unlike castsequence, it uses macro text for the commands instead of spells, and it advances every time...
The main one is a cast sequence macro for lock and load it will cast rank 4 all the time but as soon as you have lock and load it will cast rank 4 then press it again for rank 3 and again for rank 4 its pretty OP. Maybe if I remember I will post it here, since this site ...
"Pull": { "Sequence": [ { "Name": "Concussive Shot", "Key": "9", "BeforeCastStop": true, "Requirements": [ "HasRangedWeapon", "!InMeleeRange", "HasAmmo" ] } ] } Assist Focus Goal The Sequence of KeyAction(s) that are used while the AssistFocus Mode is active. Upon any ...
Classic Castbarsadds information on what spell is being cast, along with a rough estimation of its cast time, to the default target frames and nameplates. This makes it much easier to track enemy casts, which is especially important in PvP. ...
allow repo-checkout copies to go straight into the wow addons folder … Mar 21, 2022 Repository files navigation README License Discord Link:https://discord.gg/M4G92wGPally Power Classic is based on version 3.0 from the Wrath of the Lich King days. This add-on provides an interactive and...
In this section of the guide, we will explain how each individual ability weaves into your rotation and why you will want to maintain a specific type of abilities sequence! The first and foremost most important thing that we will discuss in this section is the upkeep of your diseases. You ...
Sequence: /cast Steady Shot KeyRelease: /use [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command USE: Macro press one. Puts hunters mark on the target, pet attacks and Beastial Wrath fires off. No Auto shot. I can do it but i want the pet to get aggro before me. ...
A macro is a button assignable to your bars and key binds that represents a sequence of commands entered into the WoW text box. At its simplest, you can make a macro that reads: /cast Riptide Which when pressed would do the same as simply casting ...
"Pull": { "Sequence": [ { "Name": "Concussive Shot", "Key": "9", "BeforeCastStop": true, "Requirements": [ "HasRangedWeapon", "!InMeleeRange", "HasAmmo" ] } ] } Combat Goal The Sequence of KeyAction(s) that are used when in combat and trying to kill a mob. The combat...