Earlier today, WoW Classic was patched ahead of the Hardcore launch, and a few changes that altered the backend coding of the game ultimately affected many players’ experiences with server lag, as well as some incompatibility issues with certain addons. Players on the WoW Classic su...
This guide got a bookmark from me last week or so when I saw you post it on the Classic WoW subreddit. I’ve yet to go through it in detail but it looks extremely extensive, so thank you for that. My newbie Priest will appreciate any help he can get. 0 Reply Uncle...
The purpose of this guide is to help both new and old players think about how to make gold in Classic WoW. Gold is much more valuable in Classic, and earning it will be much more difficult than it is in the retail version. This general guide will cover m
Kaivax, when are the real WoW players going to play a fresh start? Can you give us an ETA ? Thank you 1 Like Bloodyhunter-whitemane September 28, 2021, 7:18pm 14 Well, this unnecessary update has broken all my addons that make this game a bit enjoyable. Please fix asap. 10 Li...
Addons for WoW Classic- Cataclysm Classic- The Burning Crusade Classic- Classic - General- WOTLK ClassicStand-Alone Addons- Action Bar Mods- Auction House & Vendors- Carbonite- Bags, Bank, Inventory- Buff, Debuff, Spell- Casting Bars, Cooldowns- Character Advancement- Chat Mods- Class & Role...
WoW Classic is nearly upon us and heres our Classic hub to help you out! Welcome to our WoW Classic content hub! Here, you will find links to our latest Classic news coverage and guides. Live Update WoW Classic is now live. Dont forget to check out: WoW
Edit: Wow, kinda floored just how many logs actually have this issue - I didn't really go through the last 6 pages of posted error logs until now and it should fix all of them but 1 that I saw. (And even then, it looks like a rendering problem using that file on a Vista system...