Welcome to Warcraft Logs, a Web site that provides combat analysis for Blizzard's World of Warcraft MMO. Record your combats, upload them to the site and analyze them
欢迎来到 Warcraft Logs,一个为暴雪游戏《魔兽世界》提供战斗记录分析的网站。保存你的战斗记录,上传并对其进行实时分析,发现战斗中哪里出现了问题,以及哪些地方需要改进!
我们可以通过“事件”看到DJ战士打的每一个技能,甚至可以通过点击右下方的CSV按钮导出Excel表格方便查看以及统计! [https://cn.classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/chj2gpAJF6B31xfQ#fight=19&type=damage-done&translate=true&view=events...
歡迎來到Warcraft Logs,一個為暴雪的MMO遊戲《魔獸世界》提供戰鬥記錄分析的網站。保存你的戰鬥記錄,上傳並進行進行實時分析,發現戰鬥中哪裡出現了問題,以及某些地方需要改進!
Benvenuto su Warcraft Logs, un sito web che fornisce un analisi dei combattimenti per l'MMO di Blizzard, World of Warcraft. Registra i tuoi combattimenti, caricali sul sito e analizzali in tempo reale. Scopri cosa è andato storto e come fare per miglior
Willkommen bei Warcraft Logs, einer Webseite, auf der du Kämpfe aus Blizzards MMO World of Warcraft analysieren kannst. Zeichne deine Kämpfe auf, lade sie auf die Seite hoch und analysiere sie in Echtzeit. Finde heraus, was schiefgelaufen ist und w
Warcraft Logs Classic 介绍 Warcraft Logs Classic(简称WLC),是暴雪游戏《魔兽世界》怀旧服中一个备受玩家喜爱的战斗记录分析工具。它提供了详尽的战斗数据分析,帮助玩家深入了解自己在游戏中的表现,发现战斗中的不足,并据此进行优化。 主要功能 战斗记录分析:WLC能够保存并分析玩家的战斗记录,包括伤害输出、治疗量、承...
1. What is Warcraft Logs Warcraft Logs (WCL) is a professional website that offers combat analysis for World of Warcraft. It uses the in-game logging feature and a custom-made tool to upload and analyze combat logs in real time. This can help you to find out where you and your Raid ...
warcraftlogs com/guild/rankings/480329/1000 Raid Schedule Days Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 7pm - 10pm CST. About us We are an extremely experienced group of friends from a few different servers that are back together for Classic, most of us have played since Vanilla and through every expansio...