New & Classic Vintage Luxury Wooden Boats for sale. Antique & Classic Mahogany Wooden boat brands such as: Chris-Craft, Century & Riva. Selling Vintage Fiberglass & Classic Cars.
Search current inventory, browse the galleries and/or list for free on Lady Ben home of the Finest Classic Wooden Boats For Sale Since 1998.
Wooden Boats - We build and restores antique, classic wooden boats in Lake George, NY. Shop for wooden boats online, take a vacation in our rental cabins and more.
Locations in Forestport, New York & Wilmington, North Carolina Checkout thehottest NEW boat accessory! Dedicated to the preservation and restoration of classic and special interest boats; both wood and fiberglass. Home Boat Shop Century Boats ...
Classic wooden boats for sale - Chris Craft, GarWood, Grand Craft, Barrel-Backs, Racers, Runabouts - Complete restoration services - We deliver.
This site is here for all those interested in classic wooden powerboating in Australia. It covers speedboats, raceboats, racing skiffs, hydroplanes and anything else that floats, is made either entirely of wood or is a cross-over boat (one constructed using a mixture of materials, but mostly...
WaitemataWoodys tells the stories and archives the history of classic wooden boats, the craftsman who built them & characters that owned & crewed on them.
Vintage Marine offers a full line of boatbuilding services for classic boats and antique boats enthusiasts.
The very first railroad-type operation occurred in England during 1630 when wooden rails, upon which wooden cross-ties (or "sleepers") were attached for lateral support, were laid down for the express purpose of handling coal. This rock would prove vital in the steam locomotive's future ...
The photo below, ex WoodenBoat fb, is proof that with a good eye and a little love even a 2020 built 21’ work boat can be pleasing to the eye. Built by Doug Cooper at Eldred Cooper Boats in Falmouth, Massachusetts, she is strip-planked cedar on oak – very smart Share this: Em...