1.需求层次理论-马斯洛(Maslow’ hierarchy of needs,Abraham Maslow)-揭示人的需求有哪几个层次,说明激励措施应因人因时而异 主要思想: 该理论将人类的需求分为五种,并将五种需求进行了等级的划分,按层次逐级递升,分别为:生理上的需求、安全上的需求、情感和归属的需求、尊重的需求、自我实现的需求。马斯...
nialtaskoffosteringmoreversuslessmotivationinthosearoundthem.Most theoriesofmotivationreflecttheseconcernsbyviewingmotivationasauni- taryphenomenon,onethatvariesfromverylittlemotivationtoacttoagreat dealofit. Yet,evenbriefreflectionsuggeststhatmotivationishardlyaunitaryphe- ...
Chapter 3: Classic Theories of Human Development Here's some theories as to why we yawn: *we need more oxygen to our brain *it's evolutionary- to intimidate others *it cools a warm brain (a cool brain is better for thinking) *it is contagious Which of any of these do you believe?
Mosttheories of motivation ref l ect these concerns by viewing motivation as a uni-tary phenomenon, one that varies from very little motivation to act to a greatdeal of it.Yet, even brief ref l ection suggests that motivation is hardly a unitary phe-nomenon. People have not only different...
This classic text surveys a number of different theoretical approaches to the related phenomena of attitude and belief change. These theories are grouped into seven major approaches, each presented and evaluated in a separate chapter. Ea... JT Cacioppo 被引量: 3397发表: 1981年 Adalimumab for main...
It hovered before him. The mass of entangled particles, shining, black, blue, and chrome, whirling around a common center like a hive of frighteningly synchronized insects. Abu knew better, but the image was unshakable. So many tiny machines coordinated by a common intelligence. And they were...
Using extrinsic motivation theories, we predicted and found a boost in some scoring statistics during the CY (relative to the pre-CY), but no change in non-scoring statistics. Using intrinsic motivation theories, we predicted and found an undermining of many statistics in the post-CY, relative...
Only when we study these theoriesseriously can we have a more obvious and profound understanding of the aboveissues. 2, facts have also proved that a person has a clear and profoundunderstanding of the cause of communism and the Communist Party, and his motivationto join the party will be ...
There are many theories of how and where these people spread out from their original homeland. Most historical evidence at this time seems to support the Kurgan hypothesis, first proposed in the early 20thcentury. This theory states that Indo-Europeans migrated out from their homeland and settled...
Currently, multiple clinical and animal studies lead to the formulation of several theories attempting to depict the pathogenesis of a depressive episode. Unfortunately, these hypotheses cannot fully clarify the perplexing processes of depression, and can only describe several pieces of this large puzzle...