I will say thatWoWretail has worked its way up from the “negative interest” category of last year to me having some desire to play. This is largely based on the whole housing thing andWoW Classicgetting into less interesting territory and the fact that there is always some desire to go ...
Since Blizzard fixed the long que times a couple days ago I haven't seen a wait time of over 5 minutes or so with the server being at full status. As far as MMO's go WOW is still the king. Dont see how anyone would go back to playing retail after playing classic. FlickJax Man...
WoW Server Status on Google Hubus-alexstrasza December 4, 2023, 6:58pm 14 100% chance you are dead if you were in battle Bonereaper-thorium-brotherhood December 4, 2023, 7:00pm 15 I hv TF rog tho?! Yoseph-ashkandi December 4, 2023, 7:04pm 16 Real possible. Maybe they booted...
A twist onWoW Classic’s Hardcore mode has come to the live servers, with an official “self-found” option for players looking to complete the game totally on their own. Recommended Videos This new ruleset removes the ability to trade with other players and exchange items that you receive i...
Dec. 14WoW ClassicSoD patch notes For a third day in a row, Blizzard added another hotfix toWoW ClassicSeason of Discovery on Dec. 14. This one tweaked a few abilities for some classes, and like previous ones, updated Battle of Ashenvale. ...
Then you’d love our Pac-Rush game, in which Pac-man will eat the power pallets by dodging the dropping saw blades with only one move – turning around. This game is fast pace and very challenging especially when you trying to balance between eating the pallet and avoiding being killed!
Internet is telling me many view CS as one of the most toxic servers in any version of wow. Ever. Its while while dead. the other servers had people. They didn’t want CS. Slow/dead server is better than a cesspit. I get that. They will go here . either with the freebie now…...
cd C:\WowClassicGrindBot\HeadlessServer .\run.bat Hunter_1.json e.g. run from Powershell optional parameters, using DXGI reader and forced Local pathfinder. cd C:\WowClassicGrindBot\HeadlessServer .\run.bat Hunter_1.json -m Local -r DXGI 8. Configure the Wow Client - Interface Options...
WoW Classic race and class combinations Queue like it’s 2004 What I wasn’t prepared for was the tidal wave of players crowding the starting zones. Your starting point across Azeroth is determined by the race you choose, with some, like the Dwarf and Gnome of the Alliance, sharing a spot...
Reset Day Is Wrong: I'm playing on EU server, but HonorSpy resets on Tuesday instead of Wednesday: its because your client thinks you are in US. Check yourWoW Classic Folder > WTF > Configfile, it should haveSET portal "EU", not "US". ...