His comments stood in stark contrast to those of LiamGallagher, whorespondedto Oasis’ nomination by saying: “Fuck the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.” In December, Cher noted: “I wouldn't be in it now if they gave me a million dollars… I’m never changing my mind. They can just g...
Clark, Richard Bumping Buggies (1984, C64, Bubble Bus) Bump 'n' Jump-like Cave Fighter (1984, C64, Bubble Bus) Aqua Racer (1985, C64, Bubble Bus) Wizard's Lair (1985, C64, Bubble Bus) SkateRock (1986, C64, Bubble Bus) Trizons (1986, C16, Bubble Bus) Gun Law (1987, C16,...
Lion Rock War Heroes Lord of the Rings Lunch Boxes Madelman Cosmic Mego Super Heroes Message From Space Metal Man Microbots Microman Micronauts Mighty Max Pulsar Ray Guns Rom The Space Knight Shoot Out In Space Six Million Dollar Man Space 1999 Star Trek: The Motion Picture Star Wars Die Cas...
“If I could take the frustration, grief, longing, and moral outrage rattling around in my brain these past few months and somehow turn it all into a single rock track that could help me stay human in this mess, that track would be ‘Faith Alone’ by Bad Religion. Sure, it’s a ...
As many of the smaller stations in Buffalo were churning out rhythm and blues music all day, at night, for Buffalo and the entire eastern seaboard, ‘the Hound Sound was around.’ George “Hound Dog” Lorenz, the Godfather of rock n’ roll radio (not just in Buffalo, but PERIOD) first...
It could be the little latino bean counter inside me but there’s simply no way I’d be able to justify spending that amount of money for an old Merc at what should be rock bottom of the depreciation curve. For $10k this would really be a no brainer. In fact, the same dealership ...