Unless your a ret pally 0 Reply BrazilianNoob 1 year ago dude, paladine is so broken, so unfar. I’m a completle noob, i creat 10 characts and play at level 30 with every class. but all classes i die in pvp for horde mother fuckers, my paladine is the one who never die...
Pally Pros: Chill, Relaxed, Always in demand due to blessings and heals, good survivability, Good support, very easy to gear, low competition Cons: Heals are really only viable spec, not nearly as fun or fast paced as warriors (unless you like healing). Ret is crap DPS. Not even good...
Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Hunter Guides Hunter Leveling Guide PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Best Races Best Professions Talents, Builds & Glyphs Gems, Enchants & Consumables Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Stat Priority Rotation & Cooldowns Addons & Macros PvE Marksmanship Hunter Best ...
You aren’t running that warrior for their damage anyway. They are a buff bot just like a ret pally. I guess you ether ignored everything else I said or do not think it is a good argument so you repeated part of what I said and left it at that?
They are a buff bot just like a ret pally. I guess you ether ignored everything else I said or do not think it is a good argument so you repeated part of what I said and left it at that? Aewendil <Rough Around The Edge> 7802 posts 80 Night Elf Druid 15785 Mar 2021 Revir: ...
Prot pallies can raid mt just fine. Their gearing prebis is a little harder to become uncrushable but it’s not that bad. From the get go Bears are better tanks on everything in kara besides prince. All the tanks are viable and playable. I’d take a Bear and prot pally in kara be...