Classic Nursery Rhymes(机器翻译:经典童谣)作者:Purnell Books 出版社:Purnell Books ISBN(13位):9780750090278 语种:英语 开本:12 页数:120 市场价:¥ 225.0装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 精装 九成新 ¥ 55.60 ¥ 48.93 0 有货通知 内容简介 这本经典童谣集锦,由简·卡鲁斯精心挑选,包含了许多脍炙...
English nursery rhymes Classic CollectionMore By This Developer Greek English Audio Holy Bible English NKJV Audio Bible Reference Hebrew English Audio Bible 精品政经书籍合集 Books Malayalam English Audio Bible ESV Audio Bible Music Crampon NAB Audio Holy Bible ...
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The beloved creator of the Frog and Toad books included 306 nursery rhymes--several hundred more than any other quality edition of Mother Goose--and "all are illustrated in a cornucopia of drawings which demonstrates the range of his] technique and imagination" ("Kirkus Reviews"). "The New ...
出版社 PenguinBooksLtd 出版时间 2014年2月 第1版 ISBN 9780723270881 定价 76.60 内容简介 I'mReadytoSingisabig,colourfulbookfromLadybirdwithasquishypaddedcoverandengagingpictures.Itispackedwiththirtydifferentpopularnurserysongsandrhymesthatyoungchildrentendtolearnandsingatnursery,schoolandtoddlergroups.Research...
Yesterday's Classics provides a grounding in traditional literature—fairy tales, fables, nursery rhymes, poetry, mythology, and Bible stories—that no child should grow up without. It is their rightful heritage. Lacking it, they will be at a loss to understand allusions in common parlance. Our...
Rattling, Roaring Rhymes on Mormon Utah and Her Institutions Life Among the Rocky Mountain Saints, the Land of Many Wives and Much Silver, Or, the Follies ... [EN] Short Tales and Rhymes in the Cumberland dialect.[ES] Relatos cortos y poemas en el dialecto de Cumberland. F Books 被引...
A staple volume on any childhood shelf,Tomie dePaola’s Mother Gooseis a collection of well-loved nursery rhymes. Featuring warm and colorful drawings of famous characters like Humpty Dumpty and Little Miss Muffet, this book promises plenty of joy for preschoolers — they won’t realize it now...
The Nursery Rhymes of Winnie the Pooh: A Classic Disney TreasuryA. A. MilneGus Alavazos
(necessarily) for Ben Katchor; the man who vigorously inveighed against the travel industry and the Golyak Travel Agency in particular that evening bore little resemblance to the soft-spoken, perpetually rumpled individual who afterward signed copies of his books and drew head-shots of Julius Kn...