A handy one I use alot is a mouseover then target macro. It will prioritize mouseover but if I do not have a mouseover target it will just cast the spell on my current target. Makes it where you can have the mouseover option without having to use up an extra slot on your action ...
Mouseover Macro This macro is one of the most helpful macros in the game for Warlocks. This allows you to cast your spells and DoT's on targets, without needing to target them, but rather simply holding your mouse over the target instead. An example of this in action is you can target...
/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Lesser Healing Wave; [harm, nodead] Lightning Bolt This macro allows you to heal a friendly, alive mouseover target, or alternatively damage an enemy target with Lightning Bolt, saving you a button in the process. 2.5. Weapon Swap Macro /startattack /equip...
Mouseover Macro This macro is very useful for quickly casting helpful spells by simply mousing over a friendly target's body or unit frame. This makes casting spells such as Leap of Faithmuch simpler. Make sure to replace "Spell Name" with the spell you want to use in this macro. #show...
/cast [@mouseover,nodead,help] Rejuvenation; Starfire If you mouse over a target, it will still cast Rejuvenation, but if you are not, it will cast Starfireinstead! 1.1. Targeting Macros #showtooltip /cast [@cursor] Hurricane This sort of macro can be used with any ground-targeting effects...
Shoot and Throw Macro #showtooltip /use Shoot /use Throw This macro is useful to combine both Shoot and Throw into one button. This is great if you frequently change between using different types of ranged weapons. 2.5. Mouseover Macro ...
Mouseover Macro Mouseover macros can be effectively used on any type of ability! They allow you to use an ability on an enemy without being forced to click on another enemy and change your current target. Some examples of useful mouseover macros are the following: #Showtooltip Taunt /cast ...
Shadow Word: Pain Empower (Burst Macro) /cast Inner Focus /Use [combat] 10 /Cast Shadow Word:Pain Copy Mouseover Macros This macro allows you to cast a spell by hovering your mouse cursor over a player model, party or raid frame. This is incredibly valuable, especially as a Shadow Pries...
[@mouseover] — Casts the spell at the target's position or atthe targetthat is under your cursor's position. Contrary to [@cursor], this also works for single-target spells if you have nothing targeted. **Please note that [@target] or any similar targeting conditions (like @focus) do...
Mouse-over Utility #showtooltip Blessing of Freedom /cast [@mouseover,exists,help][@player] Blessing of Freedom Same concept as the above healing macros, but utility spells often need to be cast very quickly on other players. Being able to mouse over players to use spells likeBlessing of Fre...