In the classic comedy-drama Big, Josh Baskin (Tom Hanks) is an everyday 12-year-old boy who yearns for adulthood. After making a wish on a mystical arcade machine, he wakes up in the body of a 30-year-old man. Now navigating the adult world with a child's heart, Josh...
The novel is notable for its controversial subject: the protagonist and unreliable narrator, a 37-to-38-year-old literature professor called Humbert Humbert, who is obsessed with the 12-year-old Dolores Haze, with whom he becomes sexually involved after he becomes her stepfather. "Lolita" is ...
However, these books can be read to (and loved by) children of all ages! Classic Books for Ages 2-5 We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Buy Here This is a thirty-year-old tale of a father and his four young children as they cross a field of tall grass, wade through a cold river, ...
Recently adapted into a hit drama by the BBC, A Suitable Boy is one of the newer books on our list but has already landed classic status. At nearly 1,500 pages long, the story of 19-year-old Lata's attempts to resist her family's efforts to marry her off to "a suitable boy" is...
A bold exploration of race, oppression, and morality, this book has been a must-read for generations thanks to its warm, witty, and approachable tone. Paperback Book Monster Grades 9 - 12 $6.71$8.95 save to wishlist Young, black 16-year-old Steve Harmon, an amateur filmmaker, is on tria...
In thedystopian novelThe Giver,12-year-old Jonas lives in what he initially thinks to be a utopia: a community where Sameness prevails to eradicate difference and pain. Everything changes when he becomes the next Receiver of Memory, inheriting all of humanity’s emotion and history before Sam...
The book tells the story of a 14-year-old boy called Ponyboy Curtis. He struggles with difficult issues of right and wrong in a society where he is an outsider. The story took place in Oklahoma, US, in 1965. In the book, the children are divided into two groups. One includes Curtis...
doesn’t intend to work. Maud is more traditional and prefers to marry, even if she doesn’t like her husband too much, at least she’s provided for. She’s lovely, she can afford to choose this path. Dora forges her own path, willing to write children books and still open to ...
1 Boys and girls,what kind of books do you like reading?A classic (1)___(小说)in the USA stands out by talking about real life problems.To Kill a Mockingbird(《杀死一只知更鸟》)is a Pulitzer Prize winning book written by Harper Lee. The (2)___(众所周知的)American writer died in...
Technology is that rare industry in which billion-dollar products have a very short life span. Indeed, last year’s computer-related news and products are already things of the past. By contrast, books are around forever — or at least as long as people remain willing to read them. For ...