Some of the debates needed to be settled by kayak races across the lake and ping-pong elimination tournaments, all over much fudge and bourbon. Among the topics discussed were: the fault lines of gender and politics, the maximum stable angle of a 500-foot-high Sleeping Bear sand dune, ...
Archaeology concentrator Zenab R. Tavakoli ’12, who typically enrolls in four or five courses and audits between one and three more, says she enrolls in so many courses because she is “an enormous nerd.” Advertisement Tavakoli talks quickly, trying to cram as many words as she can into ...
Adopting an Agent-based modelling approach, in fact, offers one significant advantage: the experimenters can test different hypotheses pertaining to the evolutionary and cognitive mechanisms needed to perform different behaviours (Campennì and Schino, 2014). As in the segregation treatments of T1 and ...
Farima Berenji (Director and master instructor)Farima Berenji has an MA in Anthropology/Archaeology, MA in Iranian dance ethnology both from Cal State Hayward, and an M.Msc. and a PhD from the University of Sedona in Iranian metaphysics and mysticism, specializing in Iranian mystic traditions, Su...
Has being home all day got you craving some hands-on creative activities?This Artsy article by Abigail Cain has compiled10 University Art Classes you can take online for free. Explore topics like the avant-garde, Egypt archaeology, digital photography, comic books, and more. ...
For now it seems i will need to move on and present this in the best way i can now because many other things are calling me to allow a greater path for myself to emerge. For so long i have felt the urge. Yet languishing like the hopes of so many it has been hard to manifest ...
It's been two years since a New York Times article declared the "year of the MOOC" —short for "massive open online courses." Now, for the first time, researchers have carried out a detailed study that shows that these classes really can teach at least a
In light of rising concerns about the spread of COVID-19 and calls to contain the virus, a growing number of post-secondary institutions have shut down in-person classes. The virus has revealed vulnerabilities in post-secondary systems around the world.
I look forward to the challenges that this project presents as well as the opportunities for further maturation as a practicing scientist. Ensconcing myself in British culture, intellectual environment, and vigorous research at Oxford is the chance of a lifetime. I hope to be able to seize it...
Some of the debates needed to be settled by kayak races across the lake and ping-pong elimination tournaments, all over much fudge and bourbon. Among the topics discussed were: the fault lines of gender and politics, the maximum stable angle of a 500-foot-high Sleeping Bear sand dune, ...