If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, our privacy practices, or how we protect our community, please contact us at privacy@classdojo.com - we'd love to help. If you'd like, you may also write to us at: ...
Points: Feedback Points - School As a teacher or school leader, you can customize a list of feedback types that you want to encourage or recognize using Feedback Points, such as persistence, teamwork, or leadership. These Feedback Points cannot be viewed by the general public through our ...
Points: Feedback Points - School As a teacher or school leader, you can customize a list of feedback types that you want to encourage or recognize using Feedback Points, such as persistence, teamwork, or leadership. These Feedback Points cannot be viewed by the general public through our ...
Points: Feedback Points - School As a teacher or school leader, you can customize a list of feedback types that you want to encourage or recognize using Feedback Points, such as persistence, teamwork, or leadership. These Feedback Points cannot be viewed by the general public through our ...
Points: Feedback Points - School As a teacher or school leader, you can customize a list of feedback types that you want to encourage or recognize using Feedback Points, such as persistence, teamwork, or leadership. These Feedback Points cannot be viewed by the general public through our ...