官网:https://class123.ac/ 厂商:NHN Edu Corp. 中文名:Class123 class123上课软件是一款完全免费的课堂管理小帮手应用,通过多样化的功能和可爱炫酷的动画,兼具很强的互动性和趣味性,通过这个课堂管理工具,改变班级的气氛,提高学生的参与度,帮助学生养成良好的行为习惯,有需要的小伙伴们可千万不要错过了,就快来下...
Class123 is a free classroom management tool with various classroom tools and communication features. Class123 is both available on app and on desktop.(http://…
4.2 • 5 Ratings Free Screenshots iPhone iPad Description This free app is for students who have an access code, which is provided by the teacher. ● Stay engaged with Class123 - Check your daily progress with feedback report. - View class stories with photos and videos and receive importa...
最后,学期末或学年底的时候,当学校需要知道学生的学习情况报告时,我们只要去Class123 点击读取报告,即可以有所有学生的学习和课堂记录。 QQ老师说 很感谢涂老师建议我运用这个网站改善我的课堂管理,我很感恩。因为Class123让我从整体上提高了上课的品质与时间的管理,在使用的过程中,学生无时不刻地享受着,也感受到自...
5.0 • 1 Rating Free Screenshots iPhone iPad Description This free app is accessible by parents using the Class123 access code that is provided by the students’ teacher. ● Stay engaged with Class123 - Check real-time feedback from teacher. ...
页面信息 网站标题 - 个字符 class123.com 一般不超过80字符 网站关键词 - 个字符 class123, class, 123, teacher123, CPS, Mrs.Smith, Teachers, Students, Parents, Homework, Math, Language, Sulli--n School, I am Jessiah, IamJessaih 一般不超过100字符 网站描述 - 个字符 一般不超过200字符...
简介 This free app is for students who have an access code, which is provided by the teacher. ● Stay engaged with Class123 - Check your daily progress with feedback report. - View class stories with photos and videos and receive important notices. ...
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