type Number 0 可选值0|1,缺省值为0。 0:map内的所有图层都清屏,并重新绘制。 1:图层的redraw调用时会设置type为1,图层范围内重新绘制。removeAllLayers() 去除与地图对象挂接的所有图层。图层对象脱离地图对象后依然存在,直到彻底销毁这些图层。removeControl(control) 移除...
Bing Maps SDK for Android and iOS Map control API reference Map control API classes Map control API reference Map control API classes Irakurri ingelesez Gorde Gehitu bildumetan Gehitu planean Partekatu honen bidez: Facebook x.com LinkedIn Helbide elektronikoa Inprimatu GPSMapLocati...
Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.WPF.Location Syntax C#複製 [TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(LocationConverter))]publicclassLocation:IFormattable Constructors Properties Methods 展開表格 Fields 展開表格 Operators 展開表格 Explicit Interface Implementations ...
ModeType INetworkTurn IObject IObjectClass IObjectClass2 IObjectClassContainer IObjectClassDescription IObjectClassEvents IObjectClassExtension IObjectClassInfo IObjectClassInfo2 IObjectClassName IObjectClassSchemaEvents IObjectClassValidation IObjects IOleDBConnectionInfo IOrganicLayout IOwnershipBasedAccessControl I...
The comments on this site for this plane do not make clear that the two-seat arrangments on left and right of row 39 are GREAT seats - there is no divider so the aisle seat basically has TWO underseat storage widths free, while the window side has a largish gap between next seat and...
}shortheight = target->getPlaneHeight<p>();fpoint3_tp1(thing->xPos(), thing->yPos(), thing->floatProperty("height"));fpoint3_tp2(lines[a]->x1(), lines[a]->y1(), height);fpoint3_tp3(lines[a]->x2(), lines[a]->y2(), height); ...
cdrPointType cdrPolygonType cdrPositionOfPointOverShape cdrPresetPoint cdrProjectPlane cdrReferencePoint cdrRenderType cdrSegmentOffsetType cdrSegmentType cdrShapeChangeScope cdrShapeEnumDirection cdrShapeLevel cdrShapeLinkType cdrShapeType cdrSpiralType ...
IMO some of the best seats you can get in economy on this plane. Both seats are shifted only about 20cm to the middle of the plane, so 50K has lots of space on the isle side and also 50L has about 10cm free space towards the window. You gain additional storage space for small thin...
►planning_internal ►pnc_map ►prediction ►relative_map ►routing ►sim_control ►simulation ►static_transform ►storytelling ►task_manager ►third_party_perception ►transform ►v2x array_size ►idl ►modules ►nvinfer1 std Ui ►YAML ►类列表 ►文件列表...
IfcPipeFittingType IfcPipeSegment IfcPipeSegmentType IfcPixelTexture IfcPlacement IfcPlanarBox IfcPlanarExtent IfcPlane IfcPlate IfcPlateStandardCase IfcPlateType IfcPoint IfcPointOnCurve IfcPointOnSurface IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace IfcPolygonalFaceSet IfcPolyline IfcPolyLoop IfcPort IfcPostalAddress IfcPreDe...